The story of Sukanya

लोमश उवाच भृगोर्महर्षेः पुत्रोऽभूच्च्यवनो नाम भारत। समीपे सरसस्तस्य तपस्तेपे महाद्युतिः॥ स्थाणुभूतो महातेजा वीरस्थानेन पाण्डव। अतिष्ठत चिरं कालमेकदेशे विशाम्पते॥
Lomasha said: O descendant of Bharata, the son of the great Rishi Bhrigu was Chyavana by name. That greatly effulgent one practised asceticism near the yonder lake. O Pandava, O king, that greatly powerful one sat in the posture called Vira. He remained for a long period of time in this one posture.

स वल्मीकोऽभवदृषिर्लताभिरिव संवृतः। कालेन महता राजन् समाकीर्णाः पिपीलिकैः॥
O king, after the lapse of a long time he was covered with an ant-hill which was in its turn covered with creepers. Crowds of ants enveloped him.

तथा स संवृतोधीमान् मृत्पिण्ड इव सर्वशः। तप्यते स्म तपो घोरं वल्मीकेन समावृतः॥
Covered all over with ants and looking like a heap of earth, that greatly intelligent one performed severe austerities.

अथ दीर्घस्य कालस्य शर्याति म पार्थिवः। आजगाम सरो रम्यं विहर्तुमिदमुत्तमम्॥
Then after the lapse of a long time the king named Sharyati came to sport in this charming and excellent lake.

तस्य स्त्रीणां सहस्राणि चत्वार्यासन् परिग्रहे। एकैव च सुता सुभ्रः सुकन्या नाम भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, with him were four thousand women, all wedded to him. There was also with him his daughter of beautiful brows, named Sukanya.

सा सखीभिः परिवृता दिव्याभरणभूषिता। चंक्रम्यमाणा वल्मीकं भार्गवस्य समासदत्॥
Surrounded by her companions and adorned with beautiful ornaments, she came to the anthill within which Bhrigu's son was seated.

सा वै वसुमतीं तत्र पश्यन्ती सुमनोरमाम्। वनस्पतीन् विचिन्वन्ती विजहार सखीवृता॥
Accompanied by her maids, she began to sport there, seeing the beautiful scenery and looking at the large trees that stood in the forest.

रूपेण वयसा चैव मदनेन मदेन च। बभञ्ज वनवृक्षाणां शाखा: परमपुष्पिताः॥ तां सखीरहितामेकामेकवस्त्रामलंकृताम्। ददर्श भार्गवोधीमांश्चरन्तीमिव विद्युतम्॥
She was handsome, she was young, she was amorous and she was frolic-some. She began to break the trees that were full of blossoms, The intelligent son of Bhrigu saw her alone without her maids. Adorned with ornaments and clad in one cloth she was wandering about in the forest) like a flash of lightning.

तां पश्यमानो विजने स रेमे परमद्युतिः। क्षामकण्ठश्च विप्रर्षिस्तपोबलसमन्वितः॥
Seeing her sporting in the lonely forest, the greatly effulgent Brahmana Rishi, endued with the ascetic prowess, was filled with desire,

तामाबभाषे कल्याणी सा चास्य न शृणोति वै। ततः सुकन्या वल्मीके दृष्ट्वा भार्गवचक्षुषी॥
He addressed that blessed lady, but she did not hear him. Then Sukanya saw the eyes of Bhrigu's son within the ant-hill.

कौतूहलात् कण्टकेन बुद्धिमोहबलात्कृता। किं नु खल्विदमित्युक्त्वा निर्बिभेदास्य लोचने॥
Out of curiosity she lost her sense; and saying "what is this,” she pierced the eyes with a thorn.

अक्रुध्यत् स तया विद्धे नेत्रे परममन्युमान्। ततः शर्यातिसैन्यस्य शकृन्मूत्रे समावृणोत्॥
His eyes being thus pierced, he felt great pain and became very angry. He then stopped the calls of nature of the troops of Sharyati.

ततो रुद्धे शकृन्मूत्रे सैन्यमानाह दुःखितम्।। तथागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य पर्यपृच्छत् स पार्थिवः॥ तपोनित्यस्य वृद्धस्य रोषणस्य विशेषतः। केनापकृतमद्येह भार्गवस्य महात्मनः॥
Their state thus becoming deplorable, they were greatly afflicted. Seeing this the king asked, "Who has done injury to the illustrious son of Bhrigu, who is old, who is ever engaged in asceticism and who is of wrathful temper?

ज्ञातं वा यदि वाज्ञातं तद् द्रुतं ब्रूत मा चिरम्। तमूचुः सैनिकाः सर्वे न विद्मोऽपकृतं वयम्॥
If you know it, tell me without the least delay.” Thereupon all the soldiers said, “We do not know who has done this harm (to the Rishi).

सर्वोपायैर्यथाकामं भवांस्तदधिगच्छतु। ततः स पृथिवीपल: साम्ना चोग्रेण च स्वयम्॥ पर्यपृच्छत् सुहृद्वर्गं पर्यजानन्न चैव ते। आनाहार्तं ततो दृष्ट्वा तत्सैन्यमसुखार्दितम्॥ पितरं दुःखितं दृष्ट्वा सुकन्येदमथाब्रवीत्। मयाटन्त्येह वल्मीके दृष्टं सत्त्वमभिज्वलत्॥
Do whatever you please and make a searching enquiry into this matter." Thereupon that king, using both menace and conciliation, asked about the matter, his friends. But they could not tell him anything. Seeing the soldiers in great sorrow on account of their great distress and her father aggrieved, Sukanya thus spoke, "While roving in the forest, I saw something brilliant within the ant-hill.

खद्योतवदभिज्ञातं तन्मया विद्धधमन्तिकात्। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वल्मीकं शर्यातिस्तूर्णमभ्ययात्॥
Believing it to be a fire fly, I pierced it with the thorn." Having heard this, Sharyati immediately went to the ant-hill.

तत्रापश्यत् तपोवृद्धं वयोवृद्धं च भार्गवम्। अयाचदथ सैन्यार्थं प्राञ्जलिः पृथिवीपतिः॥
There did he see Bhrigu's son, old both in years and asceticism. That ruler of earth then with joined hands prayed thus for his favour.

अज्ञानाद् बालया यत् ते कृतं तत् क्षन्तुमर्हसि। ततोऽब्रवीन्महीपालं च्यवनो भार्गवस्तदा॥ अपमानादहं विद्धो ह्यनया दर्पपूर्णया। रूपौदार्यसमायुक्तां लोभमोहबलात्कृताम्॥ तामेव प्रतिगृह्याहं राजन् दुहितरं तव। क्षस्यामीति महीपाल सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
“You should pardon me for what has been done by this girl out of ignorance.” The son of Bhrigu Chyavana then thus spoke to that ruler of earth, "O king, this one, filled with pride, has insulted me by piercing (my eyes). Even her, endued as she is with beauty and devoid of all sense by ignorance and temptation, even this daughter of yours, I must have for my wife. I tell you truly, I can pardon you only on this condition."

लोमश उवाच ऋषेर्वचनमाज्ञाय शर्यातिरविचारयन्। ददौ दुहितरं तस्मै च्यवनाय महात्मने॥
Having heard the words of the Rishi, Sharyati without pausing for consideration at once bestowed his daughter on the high-souled Chyavana.

प्रतिगृह्य च तां कन्यां भगवान् प्रससाद ह। प्राप्त प्रसादो राजा वै ससैन्यः पुरमाव्रजत्॥
Having received that maiden, the exalted one was pleased (with the king). Having obtained the Rishi's grace, the king with his soldiers then went to his own city.

सुक्नयापि पतिं लब्ध्वा तपस्विनमनिन्दिता। नित्यं पर्यचरत् प्रीत्या तपसा नियमेन च॥
The faultless Sukanya also, having obtained that ascetic for her husband, began to wait upon him by practising asceticism and observing the ordinances,

अग्नीनामतिथीनां च शुश्रूषुरनसूयिका। समाराधयत क्षिप्रं च्यवनं सा शुभानना॥
The beautiful-featured one, that guileless lady, worshipped Chyavana and waited upon his guests and ministers to the sacred fire.