History of Rishyashringa

विभाण्डक उवाच रक्षांसि चैतानि चरन्ति पुत्र रूपेण तेनाद्भुतदर्शनेन। अतुल्यवीर्याण्यभिरूपवन्ति विघ्नं सदा तपसश्चिन्तयन्ति॥
Vibhandaka said: O son, they are Rakshashas. They walk about here in wonderfully beautiful forms. Their prowess is matchless and their beauty is extraordinary. They always think think upon obstructing asceticism.

सुरूयरूपाणि च तानि तात प्रलोभयन्ते विविधैरुपायैः। सुखाच्च लोकाच्च निपातयन्ति तान्युग्ररूपाणि मुनीन् वनेषु॥
O child, assuming beautiful forms they allure (men) by various means. These fearful beings hurl the Rishis in the forest from the blissful regions.

न तानि सेवेत मुनिर्यतात्मा सतां लोकान् प्रार्थयानः कथंचित्। कृत्वा त्रिनं तापसानां रमन्ते पापाचारास्तापसस्तान् न पश्येत्॥
The self-controlled Rishis who desire to obtain the region of the righteous never serve them. Those sinful beings take pleasure in obstructing the practices of the ascetics and (therefore) the ascetics do not see them.

असज्जनेनाचरितानि पुत्र पापान्यपेयानि मधूनि तानि। माल्यानि चैतानि न वै मुनीनां स्मृतानि चित्रोज्जवलगन्धवन्ति॥
O son, those are intoxicating liquors, they are drunk by unrighteous men and they are unworthy to be drunk (by good men). These fragrant, bright and many coloured garlands are not for the ascetics.

रक्षांसि तानीति निवार्य पुत्रं विभाण्डकस्तां मृगयाम्बभूव। नासादयामास यदा त्र्यहेण तदा स पर्याववृतेऽऽश्रमाय॥
Lomasha said: Having forbidden his son by saying “They are Rakshashas," Vibhandaka went in search of her. When after three days' search he did not find her, he then returned to his hermitage.

यदा पुनः काश्यपो वै जगाम फलान्याहतु विधिनाऽऽश्रमात् सः। तदा पुनर्लोभयितुं जगाम सा वेशयोषा मुनिमृष्यशृङ्गम्॥
When again the son of Kashyapa went out to gather fruits, in the meanwhile, that courtesan again came to tempt the Rishi Rishyashringa.

दृष्ट्वैव तामृष्यशृङ्गः प्रहृष्टः सम्भ्रान्तरूपोऽभ्यपतत् तदानीम्। प्रोवाच चैनां भवतः श्रमाय गच्छाव यावन्न पिता ममैति॥
As soon as Rishyashringa saw her, he became exceedingly glad and rushing towards her said “Let us go to your hermitage before my father returns.”

ततो राजन् काश्यपस्यैकपुत्रं प्रवेश्य योगेन विमुच्य नावम्। राजग्मुरङ्गाधिपतेः समीपम्॥
O king, thereupon making the only son of Kashyapa enter the boat by clever means, she unmoored it. She delighted him by various means and brought him before the king of Anga.

संस्थाप्य तामाश्रमदर्शने तु संतारितां नावमथातिशुभ्राम्। नीरादुपादाय तथैव चक्रे नाव्याश्रमं नाम वनं विचित्रम्॥
Taking the exceedingly white vessel from the water and placing it within the sight of the hermitage, she then made a beautiful forest, named “Floating Hermitage.”

अन्तःपुरे तं तु निवेश्य राजा। विभाण्डकस्यात्मजमकेपुत्रम्। मापूर्यमाणं च जगज्जलेन॥
But the king kept the only son of Vibhandaka in the female apartments. Then he saw that rain was suddenly poured by heaven and the world was flooded with water.

स लोमपादः परिपूर्णकामः सुतां ददावृष्यशृङ्गाय शान्ताम्। क्रोधप्रतीकारकरं च चक्रे गाश्चैव मार्गेषु च कर्षणानि॥
Having his desire fulfilled, Lomapada bestowed his daughter Santa on Rishvshrnga. And to appease the wrath of his father, caused kine to be placed on the roads and the fields to be tilled.

विभाण्डकस्याव्रजत: स राजा पशून् प्रभूतान् पशुपांश्च वीरान्। विभाण्डकः परिपृच्छेद् यदा वः॥ स वक्तव्यः प्राञ्जलिभिर्भवद्भिः पुत्रस्य ते पशवः कर्षणं च। किं ते प्रियं वै क्रियतां महर्षे दासाः स्म सर्वे तव वाचि बद्धाः॥
All along the way by which Vibhandaka would come (He placed) many beasts and many heroic keepers of those beasts, (ordering them thus) “When the Great Rishi Vibhandaka will enquire after his son, you must reply to him with joined hands, saying "All these cattle and all these tilled fields belong to your son. O great Rishi, what pleasing work of yours should we do? We are your servants we are as your commands."

अथोपायात् स मुनिश्चण्डकोपः स्वमाश्रमं मूलफलं गृहीत्वा। अन्वेषमाणश्च न तत्र पुत्रं ददर्श चुक्रोध ततो भृशं सः॥
In the meanwhile that greatly wrathful Rishi (Vibhandaka) returned to his hermitage after gathering fruits and roots. He did not find his son after a search and he became exceedingly angry.

ततः स कोपेन विदीर्यमाण आशङ्कमानो नृपतेर्विधानम्। स्तमङ्गराजं सपुरं सराष्ट्रम्॥
Thereupon he became inflamed with anger and thought it to be the doing of the king (of Anga). Having made up his mind to burn the king, his city and his whole country, he therefore went towards (the city of) Champa.

स वै श्रान्तः क्षुधितः काश्यपस्तान् घोषान् समासादितवान् समृद्धान् गोपैश्च तैर्विधिवत् पूज्यमानो राजेव तां रात्रिमुवास तत्र॥
Fatigued and hungry the son of Kashyapa arrived at the settlements of cowherds, rich with cattle. He was greatly honoured and adored by the cow-herds and he passed the night there like a king.

अवाप्य सत्कारमतीव तेभ्यः प्रोवाच कस्य प्रथिताः स्थ गोपाः। ऊचुस्ततस्तेऽभ्युपगम्य सर्वे धनं तवेदं विहितं सुतस्य।॥
Having received very great hospitality from them, he asked them, “O cow-herds, to whom do you belong?” Thereupon they all came up to him and said, "All this wealth belongs to your son."

स्तांश्चैव शृण्वन् मधुरान् प्रलापान्। प्रशान्तभूयिष्ठरजाः प्रहृष्टः समाससादाङ्गपतिं पुरस्थम्॥
He was thus honoured at different places and he heard similar pleasing words. Thus is anger was much appeased. He entered the city and came to the king of Anga.

स पूजितस्तेन नरर्षभेण ददर्श पुत्रं दिवि देवं यथेन्द्रम्। शान्तां स्नुषां चैव ददर्श तत्र सौदामनीमुच्चरन्तीं यथैव॥
Having been worshipped by that foremost of men (the king), he saw his son who looked like Indra in heaven. He saw there also his daughter-in-law Santa who looked like a flashing lightning

ग्रामांश्च घोषांश्च सुतस्य दृष्ट्वा शान्तां च शान्तोऽस्य परः स कोपः। चकार तस्यैव परं प्रसादं विभाण्डको भूमिपतेनरेन्द्र॥
Having seen the villages and the cow-pens belonging to his son and also having seen Santa, his great anger was appeased. O ruler of men, thereupon Vibhandaka expressed his great satisfaction with that ruler of earth.

रुवाच सूर्याग्निसमप्रभावः। जाते च पुत्रे वनमेवाव्रजेथा राज्ञः प्रियाण्यस्य सर्वाणि कृत्वा॥
Keeping his son there, that great Rishi, as effulgent as the sun or the fire, said "Having done all that would please the king and having begotten a son, you must come to the forest."

स तद्वचः कृतवानृष्यशृङ्गो ययौ च यत्रास्य पिता बभूव। शान्ता चैनं पर्यचरन्नरेन्द्र खे रोहिणी सोममिवानुकूला॥
Rishyashringa did what his father said and went back to the place where his father was. O ruler of men, Shanta obediently waited upon him as Rohini waits upon Soma.

अरुन्धती वा सुभगा वसिष्ठं लोपामुद्रा वा यथा ह्यगस्त्यम्। नलस्य वै दमयन्ती यथाभूद्। यथा शची वज्रधरस्य चैव॥
O, king as the blessed Arundhati waits upon Vasishtha or as Lopamudra waited upon Agastya. She to Rishyashringa as Damayanti was to Nala or as Sachi was to the wielder of the Vajra (Indra).

नारायणी चेन्द्रसेना बभूव वश्या नित्यं मुद्गलस्याजमीढ। तथा शान्ता ऋष्यशृङ्गं वनस्थं प्रीत्या युक्ता पर्यचरनरेन्द्र।॥
Or as Indrasena, the daughter of Narayana, was to Mudgala. O descendant of Ajamida, O ruler of men, thus did Shanta affectionately wait upon Rishyashringa in the forest.

तस्याश्रमः पुण्य एषोऽवभाति महाह्रदं शोभयन् पुण्यकीर्तिः। स्तीर्थान्यन्यान्यनुसंयाहि राजन्॥
This is the sacred hermitage that belonged to him. The great lake shows in beauty here, it has a holy fame. Bathing here get all your was desires fulfilled. O king, having purified yourself here, go to some other sacred Tirthas.