Story of Dushyanta

जनमेजय उवाच त्वत्तः श्रुतमिदं ब्रह्मन् देवदानवरक्षसाम्। अंशावतरणं सम्यग् गन्धर्वाप्सरसां तथा॥
Janamejaya said : O Brahmana, I have heard in detail the account of the births of the Devas, the Danavas, the Rakshasas, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras.

इमं तु भूय इच्छामि कुरूणां वंशमादितः। कथ्यमानं त्वया विप्र विप्रर्षिगणसंनिधौ॥
Now I desire to hear the accounts of the births of the kings of the Kuru race from the beginning. Therefore, O Brahmana, narrate them before all these Brahmana Rishis.

वैशम्पायन उवाच पौरवाणां वंशकरो दुष्यन्तो नाम वीर्यवान्। पृथिव्याश्चतुरन्ताया गोप्ता भरतसत्तम।॥
Vaishampayana said : O best of the Bharata race, the founder of the Paurava dynasty was a greatly powerful king, named Dushyanta. He was the protector of the earth bounded by the four seas.

चतुर्भागं भुवः कृत्स्नं यो भुङ्क्ते मनुजेश्वरः। समुद्रावरणांश्चापि देशान् स समितिंजयः॥ आम्लेच्छावधिकान् सर्वान् सभुङ्क्ते रिपुमर्दनः। रत्नाकरसमुद्रान्तांश्चातुर्वर्ण्यजनावृतान्॥
That king of men enjoyed the fourth part of all the products of the land. He was (also) the lord of various countries in the midst of the sea. That chastiser of foes had sway even over all the countries begining from that of upto the sea, the mine of gems, Mlecchas, which were full of men of the four orders.

न वर्णसंकरकरो न कृप्याकरकृजनः। न पापकृत् कश्चिदासीत् तस्मिन् राजनि शासति॥
During his reign, there were no mixed castes, no tillers of the land, no toilers of the mines and no sinful men.

धर्मे रतिं सेवमाना धर्मार्थावभिपेदिरे। तदा नरा नरव्याघ्र तस्मिञ्जनपदेश्वरे॥ नासीचौरभयं तात न क्षुधाभयमण्वपि। नासीद् व्याधिभयं चापि तस्मिञ्जनपदेश्वरे॥
O best of men, during his reign, all men, were virtuous and they did every thing with an eye on virtue. O child, during his reign, there was no fear from the thieves and no fear from famines; and there was no fear of diseases.

स्वधर्मे रेमिरे वर्णा दैवे कर्मणि नि:स्पृहाः। तमाश्रित्य महीपालमासंश्चैवाकुतो भयाः॥
Men of all the four castes took pleasure in doing their respective duties and they performed all acts without the desire of gaining fruits. O protector of the world, depending upon him, his subjects felt no fear.

कालवर्षी च पर्जन्यः सस्यानि रसवन्ति च। सर्वरत्नसमृद्धा च मही पशुमती तथा॥
Parjanya (Indra) poured showers of rains at the proper time and the crops were all juicy. The earth was full of all kinds of wealth and animals.

स्वकर्मनिरता विप्रा नानृतं तेषु विद्यते। स चाद्भुतमहावीर्यो वज्रसंहननो युवा॥
The Brahmanas were always engaged in their duties and they were very truthful. He (Dushyanta) was a young prince of wonderful prowess and of a body like the thunder-bolt.

उद्यम्य मन्दरं दोभ्यॊ वहेत् सवनकाननम्। चतुष्पथगदायुद्धे सर्वप्रहरणेषु च॥ नागपृष्ठेऽश्वपृष्ठे च बभूव परिनिष्ठितः। बले विष्णुसमश्चासीत् तेजसा भास्करोपमः॥
He could support the Mandara (mountain) with its woods and forests, raising it up on his arins. He was an expert in the four kinds of club-fight and also in using every kind of weapons. He was greatly expert in riding elephants and horses. In strength, he was like Vishnu and in splendour he was like the sun.

अक्षोभ्यत्वेऽर्णवसमः सहिष्णुत्वे धरासमः! सम्मतः स महीपाल: प्रसन्नपुरराष्ट्रवान्॥ भूयो धर्मपरैर्भावैर्मुदितं जनमादिशत्॥
In gravity he was like the ocean and in patience he was like the earth. The king (Dushyanta) was loved by all his subjects and he too ruled very virtuously those contented men.