ASTIKA PARVA: Chapter 45

Story of Jaratkaru

सौतिरुवाच एतस्तिन्नेव काले तु जरत्कारुर्महातपाः। चचार पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां यत्र सायंगृहो मुनिः॥
Sauti said: About this time, the great ascetic Jaratkaru, becoming a Yatra-Sayan Griha, roamed over the world.

चरन्दीक्षां महातेज दुश्चरामकृतात्मभिः। तीर्थेष्वाप्लवनं कृत्वा पुण्येषु विचचार ह॥
The greatly powerful Rishi roamed about, bathing in various sacred waters and practising various vows, difficult to be practised by others.

वायुभक्षो निराहारः शुष्यन्नहरहर्मुनिः। स ददर्श पितॄन् गर्ने लम्बमानानधोमुखान्॥
The Rishi lived on air and was completely free from all worldly desires, thus becoming daily lean and emaciated. Thus did he see his ancestors, hanging in the hole, their heads downwards.

एकतन्त्ववशिष्टं वै वीरणस्तम्बमाश्रितान्। तं तन्तुं च शनैराखुमाददानं बिलेशयम्॥
By a cord of Virana roots, having only one thread entire. Even that one thread was gradually being eaten away by the rat, living in that hole.

निराहारान्कृशान्दीनान्गर्ते स्वत्राणमिच्छतः। उपसृत्य स तान्दीनान्दीनरूपोऽभ्यभाषत।॥
They were in the hole without food; they were emaciated, pitiable and eagerly desirous of emancipation. Jaratkaru, in humble guise, came near these pitiable ones and asked them,

के भवन्तोऽवलम्बन्ते वीरणस्तम्बमाश्रिताः। दुर्बलं खादितैर्मूलैराखुना बिलवासिना॥ वीरणस्तम्बके मूलं यदप्येकमिह स्थितम्। तदप्ययं शनैराखुरादत्ते दशनैः शितैः॥
"Who are you that are hanging by the cord of Virana roots, of which the single weak root that is still left is gradually being eaten away by the rat that lives in this hole.

छेत्स्यतेऽल्पावशिष्टत्वादेतदप्यचिरादिव। ततस्तु पतितारोऽत्र गर्ने व्यक्तमधोमुखाः॥
The little that remains of the single thread will soon be cut away, It is quite evident that you will then fall into the pit with your heads downwards.

तस्य मे दुःखमुत्पन्नं दृष्ट्वा युष्मानधोमुखान्। कृच्छ्रमापदमापन्नान्प्रियं किं करवाणि वः॥
I have been moved with pity, seeing that you hang with your faces downwards and that you are overtaken by a great calamity. What good can I do to you?

तपसोऽस्य चतुर्थेन तृतीयेनाथवा पुनः। अर्धेन वापि निस्त मापदं ब्रूत मा चिरम्॥
Tell me without delay whatever your this great calamity can be relived with a fourth, or a third or even a half of my this asceticism.

अथवाऽपि समग्रेण तरन्तु तपसा मम। भवन्तः सर्व एवेह काममेवं विधीयताम्॥
O relieve yourselves even with the whole of my asceticism. I consent to it. Do as you please.

पितर ऊचुः वृद्धो भवान्ब्रह्मचारी यो न स्त्रातुमिहेच्छसि। न तु विप्रार्य तपसा शक्यते तद्व्यपोहितुम्॥
The Ancestors said: O Venerable Brahmachari, you wish to relieve us. But, O best of the twice-bom, you cannot relieve us with your asceticism.

अस्ति नस्तात तपसः फलं प्रवदतां वर। संतानप्रक्षयाद्ब्रह्मन्यताम निरयेऽशुचौ॥
O child, O best of speakers, we have also the fruits of our asceticism, but O Brahmana, we are falling down into this hell for the want of offspring.

संतानं हि परो धर्म एवमाह पितामहः। लम्बतामिह नस्तात न ज्ञानं प्रतिभाति वै॥
The Grandsire has said, 'the offspring is the great Dharma.' O child, hanging as we are in this hole, our intellect has grown dim.

यैन त्वां नाभिजानीमो लोके विख्यातपौरुषम्। वृद्धो भवान्महाभागो यो नः शोच्यान्सुदुःखितान्॥
Therefore we cannot know you, although you are known for your greatness all over the world. You are venerable, you are of good fortune, you sorrowfully grieve for us.

शोचते चैव कारुण्याच्छुणु ये वै वयं द्विजा यायावरा नाम वयमृषयः संशितव्रताः॥
Hear, O Brahmana, who we are and for whom you are lamenting. We are Rishis of the name of Yayavara of rigid vows.

लोकात्पुण्यादिह भ्रष्टाः संतानप्रक्षयान्मुने। प्रनष्टं नस्तपस्तीनं न हि नस्तन्तुरस्ति वै॥
O Rishi, we have fallen from a holy region for want of offspring. Our great penances have not been destroyed, therefore, we have still one cord left (to hang from.)

अस्ति त्वेकोऽद्य नस्तन्तुः सोऽपि नास्ति यथा तथा। मन्दभाग्योऽल्पभाग्यानां तप एकं समास्थितः॥ जरत्कारुरिति ख्यातो वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः। नियतात्मा महात्मा च सुव्रतः सुमहातपाः॥
We have only one thread (son) now, but it matters little whether he is or he is not. Unfortunate we are! We have a thread in one, known as Jaratkaru, well-read in the Vedas and Vedangas, who has adopted asceticism. He is high-souled, he has his senses under complete control, he is a man of rigid vows, a great ascetic.

तेन स्म तपसो लोभात्कृच्छ्रमापादिता वयम्। न तस्यभार्या पुत्रो वा बान्धवो वाऽस्ति कश्चन।॥
But from his temptation for the merits of asceticism we have been reduced to this state. He was no wife and no son, no friend, no relatives.

तस्माल्लम्बामहे गर्ने नष्टसंज्ञा ह्यनाथवत्। स वक्तव्यस्त्वया दृष्टो ह्यस्माकं नाथवत्तया॥
This is the reason why we hang in this hole, our consciousness gone, like one having no one to look after. If you meet him, tell him out of kindness for us,

पितरस्तेऽवलम्बन्ते गर्ते दीना अधोमुखाः। साधु दारान्कुरुष्वेति प्रजामुत्पादयेति च॥
“Your ancestors are hanging in grief with their faces downwards. O holy man, take a wife and beget offspring.

कुलतन्तुर्हि नः शिष्टस्त्वमेवैकस्तपोधन। यस्त्वं पश्यसि नो ब्रह्मवीरणस्तम्बमाश्रितान्॥
O Rishi, O holy man, you are the only thread in the line of your ancestors.” O Brahmana, the Virana root that you see and on which we hang,

एषोऽस्माकं कुलस्तम्ब आस्ते स्वकुलवर्धनः। यानि पश्यसि वै ब्रह्मन्मूलानीहास्य वीरुधः॥ एते नस्तन्तवस्तात कालेन परिभक्षिताः। यत्त्वेतत्पश्यसि ब्रह्मन्मूलमस्याधभक्षितम्॥
Is the cord representing our race. O Brahmana, these threads of the Virana roots which you see eaten up (by the rat) are we ourselves, who have been eaten up by Time. This root which you see half eaten,

यत्र लम्बामहे गर्ने सोऽप्येकस्तप आस्थितः। यमाटुं पश्यसि ब्रह्मन्काल एष महाबलः॥
And by which we are hanging in this hole is he who has adopted asceticism. The rat which you see is Time of infinite strength.

स तं तपोरतं मन्दं शनैः क्षपयते तुदन्। जरत्कारुं तपोलब्धं मन्दात्मानमचेतसम्॥
He (Time) is slowly killing the wretch Jaratkaru, engaged in asceticism, having been tempted by its merits but wanting in prudence and heart.

न हि नस्तत्तपस्तस्य तारयिष्यति सत्तम। छिन्नमूलान्परिभ्रष्टान्कालोपहतचेतसः॥
O excellent one, his asceticism cannot save us. The roots being torn, falling off from heavens, deprived of consciousness by Time.

अधः प्रविष्टान्पश्यास्मान्यथा दुष्कृतिनस्तथा। अस्मासु पतितेष्वत्र सह सर्वैः सबान्धवैः॥
Behold like sinful wretches we are going downwards. On our going with all our relatives down into this hole,

छिन्नः कालेन सोऽप्यत्र गत्वा वै नरकं ततः। तपोऽवाप्यथवा यज्ञो यच्चान्यत्पावनं महत्॥
Eaten up by Time, he too will sink with us into hell. Whether it is asceticism, or sacrifice, or other holy acts,

तत्सर्वमपरं तात न संतत्या समं मतम्। स तात दृष्ट्वाबूयास्तं जरत्कारुं तपोधन॥
O child, they are inferior and cannot be equal to a son. O child, seeing all this, tell every thing to the Rishi Jaratkaru.

यथा दृष्टमिदं चात्र त्वयाख्येयमशेषतः। यथा दाराप्रकुर्यात्स पुत्रानुत्पादयेद्यथा॥
O Brahmana, becoming our saviour, you should, out of kindness towards us, tell him in detail all that you have seen, so that it might induce him to take a wife and beget offspring.

तथा ब्रह्मस्त्वया वाच्यः सोऽस्माकं नाथवत्तया। बान्धवानां हि तस्येह यथा चात्मकुलं तथा। कस्त्वं बन्धुमिवास्माकमनुशोचसि सत्तम। श्रोतुमिच्छाम सर्वेषां को भवानिह तिष्ठति॥
O excellent man, who are you? You niay be one of his friends, for you grieve for us like a friend and as one belonging to our race. We wish to hear who you are that stand before us.