DYUTA PARVA: Chapter 53

Lamentations of Duryodhana

दुर्योधन उवाच आर्यास्तु ये वै राजानः सत्यसंधा महाव्रताः। पर्याप्तविद्या वक्तारो वेदोक्तावभृथप्लुताः॥
Duryodhana Said Those high-souled kings, who are devoted to truth, who are greatly observant of vows, who are vastly learned, who are eloquent, who are learned in the Vedas and their branches and in sacrifices.

धृतिमन्तो ह्रीनिषेवा धर्मात्मानो यशस्विनः। मूर्धाभिषिक्तास्ते चैनं राजानः पर्युपासते॥
Who have piety and modesty, who are virtuous-minded, who are renowned and on whom the grand rites of coronation have been performed, all these worship the king.

दक्षिणार्थं समानीता राजभिः कांस्यदोहनाः। आरण्या बहुसाहस्रा अपश्यंस्तत्र तत्र गाः॥
As I saw many thousands of wild kine with as many vessels of white copper for milking them, brought there by the kings of the earth to be given away Dakshina (sacrificial presents) by Yudhishthira.

आजहस्तत्र सत्कृत्य स्वयमुद्यम्य भारत। अभिषेकार्थमव्यग्रा भाण्डमुच्चावचं नृपाः॥
O descendant of Bharata, many kings with greatest alacrity themselves brought there many excellent jars(of water) for the purpose of bathing the king at the end of the sacrifice.

बाह्रीको रथमाहार्षीज्जाम्बूनदविभूषितम्। सुदक्षिणस्तु युयुजे श्वेतैः काम्बोजजैर्हयैः॥
Valhika himself brought there a car decked with gold. Sudakshina himself yoked to it four white horses of the Kamboja kind.

सुनीथः प्रीतिमांश्चैव ह्यनुकर्षं महाबलः। ध्वजं चेदिपतिश्चैवमहार्षीत् स्वयमुद्यतम्॥
The greatly strong Sunitha gladly fitted its lower pole and the ruler of Chedi with his own hands took up and fitted its flag-staff.

दाक्षिणात्यः संनहनं स्रगुष्णीषे च मागधः। वसुदानो महेष्वासो गजेन्द्रं षष्टिहायनम्॥ मत्स्यस्त्वक्षान् हेमनद्धानेकलव्य उपानहौ। आवन्त्यस्त्वभिषेकार्थमापो बहुविधास्तथा॥
The king of the southern country stood ready with the coat of mail and the Magadha king with garlands of flowers and the headsdress. The great bow-man Vasudeva stood with a sixty years old elephant, the king of Matsya with side-fittings of the cars decked with gold, Ekalavya with the shoes, the king of Avanti with various kinds of water for the final bath.

चेकितान उपासङ्गे धनुः काश्य उपाहरत्। असिं च सुत्सरूं शल्यः शैक्यं काञ्चनभूषणम्॥
Chekitana with the Quiver, the king of Kashi with the bow, Shalya with a sword, the hilt and straps of which were inlaid with gold.

अभ्यषिञ्चत् ततो धौम्यो व्यासश्च सुमहातपाः। नारदं च पुरस्कृत्य देवलं चासितं मुनिम्॥
Dhaumya and greatly ascetic Vyasa with Narada and Asita's son, Rishi Devala at the head, performed the ceremony of sprinkling sacred water over the king.

प्रीतिमन्त उपातिष्ठन्नभिषेकं महर्षयः। जामदग्न्येन सहितास्तथान्ये वेदपारगाः॥ अभिजग्मुर्महात्मानो मन्त्रवद् भूरिदक्षिणम्। महेन्द्रमिव देवेन्द्रं दिवि सप्तर्षयो यथा॥
The great Rishis sat with cheerful heart at the place where the sprinkling ceremony took place. As the seven Rishis approached the chief of the celestials Indra in heaven, so the illustrious Rishis, learned in the Vedas, with the son of Jamadagni, came uttering Mantras to the great Dakshina-giving (Yudhishthira).

अधारयच्छत्रमस्य सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। धनंजयश्च व्यजने भीमसेनश्च पाण्डवः॥
The greatly powerful Satyaki held the umbrella and Dhananjaya (Arjuna) and Bhima fanned the Pandava (Yudhishthira).

चामरे चापि शुद्ध द्वे यमौ जगृहतुस्तथा। उपागृहणाद् यमिन्द्राय पुराकल्पे प्रजापतिः॥
The twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) held two excellent chamaras in their hands which was presented by Prajapati to Indra in a former Kalpa.

तमस्मै शङ्खमाहादि वारुणं कलशोदधिः। शैक्यं निष्कसहस्रेण सुकृतं विश्वकर्मणा॥
That big conch of Varuna which Vishvakarma had constructed with a thousand Nishkas of gold was brought by the Ocean himself.

तेनाभिषिक्तः कृष्णेन तत्र मे कश्मलोऽभवत्। गच्छन्ति पूर्वादपरं समुद्रं चापि दक्षिणम्॥
With it Krishna bathed Yudhishthira after the conclusion of the sacrifice. Seeing this I partly lost my senses. People go to the eastern and the western and also the southern seas;

उत्तरं तु न गच्छन्ति विना तात पतत्रिभिः। तत्र स्म दध्मुः शतशः शङ्खान् मङ्गलकारकान्॥ प्राणदन्त समाध्मातास्ततो रोमाणि मेऽहषन्। प्रापतन् भूमिपालाश्च ये तु हीनाः स्वतेजसा॥
But, O father, except birds none can go the northern seas. They have spread their dominion even there-for I heard hundreds of conches that had been brought from that region blown indicating auspicious rejoicing. While those conches were simultaneously blown, my hair stood on end; and those among the kings who were weak in strength fell down in a swoon.

धृष्टद्युम्नः पाण्डवाश्च सात्यकिः केशवोऽष्टमः। सत्त्वस्था वीर्यसम्पन्ना ह्यन्योन्यप्रियदर्शनाः॥ विसंज्ञान् भूमिपान् दृष्ट्वा मां च ते प्राहसंस्तदा। ततः प्रहृष्टो बीभत्सुः प्रादाद्धेमविषाणिनाम्॥ शतान्यनडुहां पञ्च द्विजमुख्येषु भारत। न रन्तिदेवो नाभागो यौवनाश्वो मनुर्न च॥
O descendant of Bharata Dhrishtadyumna, Satyaki, the Pandavas and Keshava (Krishna), these eight handsome and greatly powerful men having seen the kings deprived of consciousness and myself in that state, laughed aloud. Then Bibhatsu (Arjuna) gave to the foremost of Brahmanas with a cheerful heart five hundred bullocks with their horns covered with gold, Rantideva, Nabhaga, Yauvanashva, Manu.

न च राजा पृथुर्वैन्यो न चाप्यासीद् भगीरथः। ययातिर्नहुषो वापि यथा राजा युधिष्ठिरः॥
King Pritha, the son of Vena, Bhagiratha, Yayati or Nahusha was not like the king Yudhishthira.

यथातिमात्रं कौन्तेयः श्रिया परमया युतः। राजसूयमवाप्यैवं हरिचन्द्र इव प्रभुः॥
The son of Kunti (Yudhishthira), having completed the Rajasuya sacrifice, obtained the prosperity as was obtained by the lord Harishchandra.

एतां दृष्ट्वा श्रियं पार्थे हरिचन्द्रे यथा विभो। कथं त जीवितं श्रेयो मम पश्यसि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, o lord, seeing such prosperity in the son of Pritha as that of Harishchandra, I do not find any good in my living any longer.

अन्धेनेव युगं नद्धं विपर्यस्तं नराधिप। कनीयांसो विवर्धन्ते ज्येष्ठा हीयन्त एव च।॥
O king, a yoke tied by a blind man becomes loosened. Such is the case with us. The younger ones are growing, while the elder ones are decaying.

एवं दृष्ट्वा नाभिविन्दामि शर्म समीक्षमाणोऽपि कुरुप्रवीर। तेनाहमेवं कृशतां गतश्च विवर्णतां चैव सशोकतां च॥
O chief of the Kurus, seeing all this, however, I try to console my mind by thoughts. I cannot enjoy peace. It is for this I am plunged into grief, and I am becoming pale and emaciated.