Arjuna's northern conquests

वैशम्पायन उवाच स श्वेतपर्वतं वीरः समतिक्रम्य वीर्यवान्। देशं किम्पुरुषावासं दुमपुत्रेण रक्षितम्॥
Vaishampayana said After having crossed the white mountains, that greatly powerful hero conquered the country of the Kimpurushas which was ruled by Drumaputra.

महता संनिपातेन क्षत्रियान्तकरेण ह। अजयत् पाण्डवश्रेष्ठः करे चैनं न्यवेशयत्॥
After a great battle in which great was the slaughter of Kshatriyas, that best of the Pandavas brought the country under his complete control.

तं जित्वा हाटकं नाम देशं गुह्यकरक्षितम्। पाकशासनिरव्यग्रः सहसैन्यः समासदत्॥
Having conquered this country the son of Indra with a determined mind and with a large number of troops, subjugated the country, named Hataka, ruled by the Guhyakas.

तांस्तु सान्त्वेन निर्जित्य मानसं सर उत्तमम्। ऋषिकुल्यास्तथा सर्वा ददर्श कुरुनन्दनः॥
Having subjugated them by a policy of conciliation, that descendant of Kuru saw that excellent lake, called Manasa. He saw also various other lakes and tanks sacred to the Rishis.

सरो मानसमासाद्य हाटकानभितः प्रभुः। गन्धर्वरक्षितं देशमजयत् पाण्डवस्ततः॥
Having arrived at the Manasa (lake), the lord Pandava (Arjuna) conquered the regions, ruled by the Gandharvas the regions that lay around the Hataka countries.

तत्र तित्तिरिकल्माषान् मण्डूकाख्यान् हयोत्तमान्। लेभे स करमत्यन्तं गन्धर्वनगरात् तदा॥
The victor (Arjuna) took from the city of the Gandharvas as his tribute many excellent horses, called Tittiri, Kalmasha and Manduka.

उत्तरं कुरुवर्षं तु समासाद्य पाण्डवः। इयेष जेतुं तं देशं पाकशासननन्दनः॥
Wishing to conquer that country, the son of Indra, the Pandava (Arjuna), came to the country of North Harivarsha.

तत एनं महावीर्यं महाकाया महाबलाः। द्वारपाला: समासाद्य हृष्टाः वचनमब्रुवन्॥
Thereupon some greatly powerful strong and huge-bodied frontier guards came to him and his cheerfully spoke to him.

पार्थ नेदं त्वया शक्यं पुरं जेतुं कथंचन। उपावर्तस्व कल्याण पर्याप्तमिदमच्युत॥
"O Partha, this country cannot be conquered by you. If you seek your good return from this place. O Achyuta, your conquests are already enough.

इदं पुरं यः प्रविशेद् ध्रुवं न स भवेन्नरः। प्रीयामहे त्वया वीर पर्याप्तो विजयस्तव॥
He that enters this country, if he is human, is sure to perish. We are pleased with you, your conquests are (already) too many.

न चात्र किंचिज्जेतव्यमजुनात्र प्रदृश्यते। उत्तराः कुरवो ह्येते नात्र युद्धं प्रवर्तते॥
O Arjuna, there is nothing to be seen here, there is nothing to be conquered here by you. The Northern Kurus live here, there cannot be any war here.

प्रविष्टोऽपि हि कौन्तेय नेह द्रक्ष्यसि किंचन। न हि मानुषदेहेन शक्यमत्राभिवीक्षितुम्॥
O son of Kunti, even if you enter this country, you will not be able to seen any thing, for nothing can be seen here with human eyes.

अथेह पुरुषव्याघ्र किंचिदन्यच्चिकीर्षसि। तत् प्रब्रूहि करिष्यामो वचनात् तव भारत॥
O best of men, O descendant of Bharata, if however, you desire to have any thing else, tell us, we may do your bidding."

ततस्तानब्रवीद् राजन्नर्जुनः प्रहसन्निवा पार्थिवत्वं चिकीर्षामि धर्मराजस्य धीमतः॥
Having been thus addressed, Arjuna smilingly thus spoke to them, “I desire the acquisition of the imperial dignity for the intelligent Dharamaraja Yudhishthira.

न प्रवेक्ष्यामि वो देशं विरुद्धं यदि मानुषैः। युधिष्ठिराय यत् किंचित् करपण्यं प्रदीयताम्॥
If this country is shut against human beings, I shall not enter it. Let something be given by you as tribute to Yudhishthira.

ततो दिव्यानि वस्त्राणि दिव्यान्याभरणानि च। क्षौमाजिनानि दिव्यानि तस्य ते प्रददुः करम्॥
Thereupon they gave him as tribute many celestials clothes and ornaments and many celestials silks and celestials skins.

एवं स पुरुषव्याघ्रो विजित्य दिशमुत्तराम्। संग्रामान् सुबहून् कृत्वा क्षत्रियैर्दस्युभिस्तथा॥
It was thus that best of men (Arjuna) conquered the northern countries, and all the kings (of those countries); and he fought many battles both with the Kshatriyas and the robber tribes.

स विनिर्जित्य राज्ञस्तान् करे च विनिवेश्य तु। धनान्यादाय सर्वेभ्यो रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
Having thus vanquished and subjugated many kings and countries, he exacted tributes from them all, and (he thus) obtained much wealth and many gems and jewels.

हयांस्तित्तिरिकल्माषाञ्छुकपत्रनिभानपि। मयूरसदृशानन्यान् सर्वाननिलरंहसः॥
And many swift horses of the species called Tittiri and Kalmasha, and also many others with the colour of peacocks.

वृतः सुमहता राजन् बलेन चतुरङ्गिणा। आजगाम पुनर्वीरः शक्रप्रस्थं पुरोत्तमम्॥
O king, surrounded by a large army of the four kinds of troops, the hero (at last) returned to the city of Indraprastha.

धर्मराजाय तत् पार्थो धनं सर्वं सवाहनम्। न्यवेदयदनुज्ञातस्तेन राज्ञा गृहान् ययौ॥
Partha (Arjuna) offered to Dharmaraja all the wealth and the animals brought by him. Commanded by the king, the hero went to his chamber to take rest.