Description of Kubera's Sabha

नारद उवाच सभा वैश्रवणी राजञ्छतयोजनमायता। विस्तीर्णा सप्ततिश्चैव योजनानि सितप्रभा॥
Narada said O king, the greatly effulgent assembly-hall of Vaishravana (Kubera) is one hundreds Yojanas in length and seventy Yojanas in breadth.

तपसा निर्जिता राजन् स्वयं वैश्रवणेन सा। शशिप्रभा प्रावरणा कैलासशिखरोपमा।॥
O king, it was built by Vaishravana himself by his ascetic powers. It was like the peaks of the Kailasa (mountain), and it darkens the brilliancy of the moon herself.

गुह्यकैरुह्यमाना सा खे विषक्तेव शोभते। दिव्या हेममयैरुच्चैः प्रासादैरुपशोभिता॥
Being supported by the Guhyakas it looks as if it is attached to the firmament. Being adorned with celestials made large places of gold, it displays great beauty.

महारत्नवती चित्रा दिव्यगन्धा मनोरमा। सिताभ्रशिखराकारा प्लवमानेव दृश्यते॥
It is extremely delightful and rendered fragrant with celestials perfumes. It is ornamented with many great jewels. Resembling the peaks of the mass of white clouds, it seems to float in the sky.

दिव्या हेममयैरङ्गैर्विद्युद्भिरिव चित्रिता। तस्यां वैश्रवणो राजा विचित्राभरणाम्बरः॥ स्त्रीसहस्रैर्वृतः श्रीमानास्ते ज्वलितकुण्डलः। दिवाकरनिभे पुण्ये दिव्यास्तरणसंवृते। दिव्यपादोपधाने च निषण्णः परमासने॥
It is painted with colours of celestials gold; and therefore it appears as if it is adorned with streaks of lightning. Here (in this assemblyhall) sits on an excellent seat which is as bright as the sun and which is covered with celestials carpets and furnished with beautiful foot stools, the handsome king Vaishravana (Kubera) attired in excellent robes and adorned with costly ornaments and greatly brilliant ear-rings, and surrounded by his one thousand wives.

मन्दाराणामुदाराणां वनानि परिलोडयन्। सौगन्धिकवनानां च गन्धं गन्धवहो वहन्॥ नलिन्याचालकाख्याया नन्दनस्य वनस्य च। शीतो हृदयसंह्लादी वायुस्तमुपसेवते॥
Delicious and cool breezes blowing though the generous forest of Mandaras and carrying the fragrance of the fragrant field of Jasmine and also of the lotuses on the breast of the Alaka (the celestials river) and of the gardens of Nandana (the celestials wood) wait upon the king of the Yakshas (Kubera).

तत्र देवाः सगन्धर्वा गणैरप्सरसां वृताः। दिव्यतानैर्महाराज गायन्ति स्म सभागताः॥
O great king, there sing the celestials with the Gandharvas surrounded by various tribes of Apsaras in notes of celestials sweetness.

मिश्रकेशी च रम्भा च चित्रसेना शुचिस्मिता। चारुनेत्रा घृताची च मेनका पुञ्जिकस्थला॥ विश्वाची सहजन्या च प्रम्लोचा उर्वशी इरा। वर्गा च सौरभेयी च समीची बुद्बुदा लता॥
Mishrakeshi, Rambha, Chitrasena, Suchismita, Charunetra, Ghritachi, Menaka, Punjikasthala, Vishvachi, Sahajanya, Pramlocha, Urvashi, Ira, Varga, Saurabheyi, Samichi, Budbuda, Lata,

एताः सहस्रशश्चान्या नृत्यगीतविशारदाः। उपतिष्ठन्ति धनदं गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणाः॥
These and a thousand other Apsaras and Gandharvas, all great experts in music and dance, wait upon the lord of wealth.

अनिशं दिव्यवादित्रैर्नृत्यगीतैश्च सा सभा। अशून्या रुचिरा भाति गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणैः॥
That assembly-hall filled with the notes of instrumental and vocal music and with the sounds of various Gandharvas and Apsaras is extremely charming and delicious.

किन्नरा नाम गन्धर्वा नरा नाम तथा परे॥ मणिभद्रोऽथ धनदः श्वेतभद्रश्च गुह्यकः। कशेरको गण्डकण्डूः प्रद्योतश्च महाबलः॥ कुस्तुम्बुरुः पिशाचश्च गजकर्णो विशालकः। वराहकर्णस्ताम्रोष्ठः फलकक्षः फलोदकः॥ हंसचूडः शिखावर्तो हेमनेत्रो विभीषणः। पुष्पाननः पिङ्गलकः शोणितोदः प्रवालकः॥ वृक्षवास्यनिकेतश्च चीरवासाश्च भारत। एते चान्ये च बहवो यक्षाः सतसहस्रशः॥
The Gandharvas named Kinnaras and others named Naras, Manibhadra, Dhanada Shvetabhadra, Guhyaka, Kasheraka, Gandakandu, the powerful Pradyota, Kustumburu, Pishacha, Gajakarna, Vishalaka, Varahakarna, Tamraushtha, Falakaksha, Falodaka, Hansachuda, Shikhavarta, Vibhishana, Pushpanana, Pingalaka, Shonitoda, Pravalaka, Vrikshavaspa, Aniketa and Chiravasas, O descendant of Bharata these, and many other Yakshas by hundreds and thousands (always wait upon Kubera).

सदा भगवती लक्ष्मीस्तत्रैव नलकूबरः। अहं च बहुशस्तस्यां भवन्त्यन्ये च मद्विधाः॥
The illustrious (goddess) Lakshmi and also Nala-Kubera always remain there in that Sabha). Myself and many others like myself often go there.

ब्रह्मर्षयो भवन्त्यत्र तथा देवर्षयोऽपरे। क्रव्यादाश्च तथैवान्ये गन्धर्वाश्च महाबलाः॥ उपासते महात्मानं तस्यां धनदमीश्वरम्। भगवान् भूतसङ्घश्च वृतः शतसहस्रशः॥ उमापतिः पशुपतिः शूलभृद् भगनेत्रहा। त्र्यम्बको राजशार्दूल देवी च विगतक्लमा॥ वामनैर्विकटैः कुब्जैः क्षतजाक्षमहारवैः। मेदोमांसाशनैरुप्रैरुग्रधन्वा महाबलः॥ नानाप्रहरणैस्त्रैर्वातैरिव महाजवैः। वृतः सखायमन्वास्ते सदैव धनदं नृप॥
Many Brahmana Rishis and many celestials Rishis always go there; many Rakshasas and Gandharvas, besides those already mentioned, wait in that assembly-hall upon the illustrious lord of wealth, O best of kings, there wait upon his friend the lord of wealth, being ever cheerful and knowing no fatigue, the illustrious (deity), the husband of Uma, the lord of all creatures, the three-eyed Col, the wielder of trident, the slayer of Asura Bhaganetra, the mighty deity of fearful bow, accompanied by his wife and surrounded by hundreds and thousands of spirits, some, some of dwarfish stature, some of fearful face, some hunch-backed, some with blood-red eyes, some of fearful yells, some feeding upon fat and flesh, some fearful to look at, and all armed with various weapons and possessed of the speed of wind.

प्रहृष्टाः शतशश्चान्ये बहुशः सपिरच्छदाः। गन्धर्वाणां च पतयो विश्वावसुहहाहुहूः॥
With cheerful heart hundreds of Gandharva chiefs attired in their respective robes, Vishvavasu, Haha and Huhu.

तुम्बुरुः पर्वतश्चैव शैलूषश्च तथापरः। चित्रसेनश्च गीतज्ञस्तथा चित्ररथोऽपि च॥ एते चान्ये च गन्धर्वा धनेश्वरमुपासते।
Tumbaru, Parvata, Shailusha, the great expert in music Chitrasena, Chitraratha, these and innumerable other Gandharvas worship the lord of wealth. The chief of Vidyadharas, Chakradharma with his followers,

विद्याधराधिपश्चैव चक्रधर्मा सहानुजैः॥ उपाचरति तत्र स्म धनानामीश्वरं प्रभुम्॥
Wait there upon the lord, the aster of wealth, Hundreds and thousands of Kinnaras wait upon the lord, the inaster of wealth.

आसते चापि राजानो भगदत्तपुरोगमाः। दुमः किम्पुरुषेशश्च उपास्ते धनदेश्वरम्॥ राक्षसाधिपतिश्चैव महेन्द्रो गन्धमादनः। सह यक्षैः सगन्धर्वैः सह सर्वैर्निशाचरैः॥
Innumerable kings with Bhagdatta at their head, and the Chief oi Kimpurashas, Druma, the chief of the Rakshasas, Mahindra, Gandhamadana with many Yakshas, Gandharvas and Rakshasas (all wait upon Kubera).

विभीषणश्च धर्मिष्ठ उपास्ते भ्रातरं प्रभुम्। हिमवान् पारियात्रश्च विन्ध्यकैलासमन्दराः॥
The virtuous Vibhishana wait upon his elder brother, the lord (Kubera). The (mountains) Himalayas, Paripatra, Vindhya, Kailasa, Mandara,

मलयो द१रश्चैव महेन्द्रो गन्धमादनः। इन्द्रकीलः सुनाभश्च तथा दिव्यौ च पर्वतौ॥
Malaya, Dardura, Mahindra, Sunabha, the eastern and the western mountains.

एते चान्ये च बहवः सर्वे मेरुपुरोगमाः। उपासते महात्मानं धनानामीश्वरं प्रभुम्॥
These and many others in their personified forms with Meru at their head wait upon the illustrious lord of wealth.

नन्दीश्वरश्च भगवान् महाकालस्तथैव च। शङ्कुकर्णमुखाः सर्वे दिव्याः पारिषदास्तथा॥ काष्ठः कुटीमुखो दन्ती विजयश्च तपोऽधिकः। श्वेतश्च वृषभस्तत्र नर्दन्नास्ते महाबलः॥ धनदं राक्षसाश्चान्ये पिशाचाश्च उपासते। पारिषदैः परिवृतमुपायान्तं महेश्वरम्॥ सदा हि देवदेवेशं शिवं त्रैलोक्यभावनम्। प्रणम्य मूर्धा पौलस्त्यो बहुरूपमुमापतिम्॥ ततोऽभ्यनुज्ञां सम्प्राप्य महादेवाद् धनेश्वरः। आस्ते कदाचिद् भगवान् भवो धनपते: सखा॥
The illustrious Nandishvara, Mahakala, many spirits with arrowy ears and sharppointed mouths, Kashtha, Kutimukha, Danti, greatly ascetic Vijaya, the powerful and the deep-roaring white bull of Shiva, many other Rakshasas and Pishachas, all wait upon the lord of wealth. The son of Pulastya (Kubera), surrounded by his attendants, always with his permission formerly used to worship by bowing his head to the great deity, the god of gods, Shiva, the creator of the three worlds. One day the high-souled Bhava (Shiva) made friendship with Kubera, and forin that day he is always present in the assembly-hall of the lord of wealth.

निधिप्रवरमुख्यौ च शङ्खपद्मौ धनेश्वरौ। सर्वान् निधीन् प्रगृह्याथ उपासाते धनेश्वरम्॥
Those best of Jewels, those princes of all wealth, Shankha and Padma (in their personified forms) accompanied by all gems, wait upon the lord of wealth.

सा सथा तादृशी रम्या मया दृष्टान्तरिक्षगा। पितामहसभां राजन् कीर्तयिष्ये निबोध ताम्॥
O king, such is the charming assembly-hall of Kubera which I saw. It is capable of moving in the firmament. Now I shall describe to you the assembly-hall of the Grandsire. Listen to it.