The history of Lokapalas

वैशम्पायन उवाच अथ तत्रोपविष्टेषु पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। महत्सु चोपविष्टेषु गन्धर्वेषु च भारत॥
Vaishampayana said O descendant of Bharata, when the illustrious Pandavas were seated in it (their assembly-hall) with the chief Gandharvas, there came Narada,

वेदोपनिषदां वेत्ता ऋषिः सुरगणार्चितः। इतिहासपुराणज्ञः पुराकल्पविशेषवित्॥
The celestial Rishi who was learned in the Vedas and the Upanishads, who worshipped by the celestials, who was learned in the histories and the Puranas, who was well versed in all that had happened in old Kalpas,

न्यायविद् धर्मतत्त्वज्ञः षडङ्गविदनुत्तमः। ऐक्यसंयोगनानात्वसमवायविशारदः॥
Who was well-skilled in Nyaya, and in the truths of moral science, who was the possessor of the complete knowledge of the Angas, and a perfect master of reconciling contradictory taxes.

वक्ता प्रगल्भो मेधावी स्मृतिमान् नयवित् कविः। परापरविभागज्ञः प्रमाणकृतनिश्चयः॥
Who was eloquent, resolute, intelligent, learned, possessor of powerful memory, learned in the science of morality and politics, proficient in distinguishing inferior things from the superior.

पञ्चावयवयुक्तस्य वाक्यस्य गुणदोषवित्। उत्तरोत्तरवक्ता च वदतोऽपि बृहस्पतेः॥
Skilled in drawing inference from evidence, competent to judge of correctness or incorrectness of syllogistic statements consisting of five propositions, capable of answering successfully (the queries) of Brihaspati.

धर्मकामार्थमोक्षेषु यथावत् कृतनिश्चयः। तथा भुवनकोशस्य सर्वस्यास्य महामतिः॥ प्रत्यक्षदर्शी लोकस्य तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधस्तथा। सांख्ययोगविभागज्ञो निर्विवित्सुः सुरासुरान्॥
Who was a man with definite conclusions properly framed about Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha (Salvation), who was a man with a great soul seeing the universe about, below, and around as if it were present before his eyes, who was a master of Sankhya and Yoga (Philosophies), and who was ever desirous of humbling the Devas and the Asuras by fomenting quarrels amongst them,

संधिविग्रहतत्त्वज्ञस्त्वनुमानविभागवित्। षाड्गुणविधियुक्तश्च सर्वशास्त्रविशारदः॥
Who was learned in the science of war and treaty, proficient in making disposition of things by guesses, the teacher of six sciences (of treaty, war, march, defending military posts, stratagem by ambuscade and) and learned in all the Shastras.

युद्धगान्धर्वसेवी च सर्वत्राप्रतिघस्तथा। एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभिर्युक्तो गुणगणैर्मुनिः॥ लोकाननुचरन् सर्वानागमत् तां सभां नृप। नारदः सुमहातेजा ऋषिभिः सहितस्तदा॥
Who was fond of war and music, and incapable of being repulsed by any science of learning. Possessed of these and many other accomplishments, the greatly effulgent Rishi Narada with many other Rishis, after having traveled over all the world, came (at last) to the assembly-hall.

पारिजातेन राजेन्द्र पर्वतेन च धीमता। सुमुखेन च सौम्येन देवर्षिरमितद्युतिः॥
O king, the celestial Rishi of immeasurable effulgence was accompanied by Parijata, the intelligent Raivatga, Saumya and Sumukha.

सभास्थान् पाण्डवान् द्रष्टुं प्रीयमाणो मनोजवः। जयाशीर्भिस्तु तं विप्रो धर्मराजानमार्चयत्॥
The Rishi who moved about with the speed of mind was filled with joy on seeing the assembly-hall of the Pandavas. The Brahmana (Narada) wishing him victory uttered blessings on Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira).

तमागतमृषिं दृष्ट्वा नारदं सर्वधर्मवित्। सहसा पाण्डवश्रेष्ठः प्रत्युत्थायानुजैः सह॥
Seeing the Rishi Narada arrived in the assembly-hall), that best of the Pandavas (Yudhishthira) learned in all religious precepts, soon stood up with his brothers.

अभ्यवादयत प्रीत्या विनयावनतस्तदा। तदहमासनं तस्मै सम्प्रदाय यथाविधि॥
Bowing low with humility, he saluted him with joy, and hither offered him with due ceremonies, a befitting seat.

गां चैव मधुपर्कं च सम्प्रदायार्घ्यमेव च। अर्चयामास रत्नैश्च सर्वकामैश्च धर्मवित्॥
The virtuous (king) offered him kine, Arghya and Madhuparka (a preparation of honey). He worshipped him with gems and jewels and with his whole heart.

तुतोष च यथावच्च पूजां प्राप्य युधिष्ठिरात्। सोऽर्चितः पाण्डवैः सर्वैर्महर्षिर्वेदपारगः। धर्मकामार्थसंयुक्तं पप्रच्छेदं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
He (Narada) was gratified by receiving the worship from Yudhishthira in proper form. Having been thus worshipped by all the Pandavas, the great Rishi, learned in the Vedas, spoke to Yudhishthira the following words on Dharma, Artha and Kama.

नारद उवाच कच्चिदर्थाश्च कल्पन्ते धर्मे च रमते मनः। सुखानि चानुभूयन्ते मनश्च न विहन्यते॥
Narada said Is the wealth you are earning spent in proper objects? Dopes you mind take pleasure in virtue? Does not your mind sink under their weight?

कच्चिदाचरितं पूर्वैर्नरदेव पितामहैः। वर्तसे वृत्तिमक्षुद्रां धर्मार्थसहितां त्रिषु॥
O chief of men, do you continue in the noble conduct consistent with Dharma and Artha with respect to the three classes (good, bad and indifferent) of your subjects as practiced by your ancestors?

कच्चिदर्थेन वा धर्मं धर्मेणार्थमथापि वा। उभौ वा प्रीतिसारेण न कामेन प्रबाधसे॥
Do you injure religion (Dharma) for the sake of profit (Artha), or profit for the sake of religion, or both religion and profit for the sake of pleasures which easily tempts men?

कच्चिदर्थं च धर्मं च कामं च जयतां वर। विभज्य काले कालज्ञः सदा वरद सेवसे॥
O foremost of pious men, O (king) learned in the timeliness (of everything), do you dividing your time judiciously follow religion, profit and pleasures?

कच्चिद् राजगुणैः षड्भिः सप्तोपायांस्तथानघ। बलाबलं तथा सम्यक् चतुर्दश परीक्षसे॥
O sinless one, do you attend with the six attributes of kings, to the seven means? Do you examine after surveying your own strength and weakness and the fourteen possessions (of your enemies)?

कच्चिदात्मानमन्वीक्ष्य परांश्च जयतां वर। तथा संधाय कर्माणि अष्टौ भारत सेवसे॥
O foremost of pious men, O descendant of Bharata, do you attend to the eight occupations, having surveyed your own and your enemy's means and also having made peace (with your enemies)?

कच्चित् प्रकृतयः सप्त न लुप्ता भरतर्षभ। आढ्यास्तथा व्यसनिनः स्वनुरक्ताश्च सर्वशः॥
O best of the Bharata race, have your seven chief officers of state been tempted by your enemies? Have they become idle for the wealth they have earned? Are they all attached to you?

कच्चिन्न कृतकैर्दूतैर्ये चाप्यपरिशङ्किताः। त्वत्तो वा तव चामात्यैर्भिद्यते मन्त्रितं तथा॥
Your counsels are not surely divulged by your trusted and disguised spies, or by yourself or by your ministers.

मित्रोदासीनशत्रूणां कच्चिद् वेत्सि चिकीर्षितम्। कच्चित् संधिं यथाकालं विग्रहं चोपसेवसे॥
Do you ascertain what your friends, your enemies and the ascetics are doing? Do you make war and peace at the proper time?

कच्चिद् वृत्तिमुदासीने मध्यमे चानुमन्यसे। कच्चिादात्मसमा वृद्धाः शुद्धाः सम्बोधन क्षमाः॥ कुलीनाश्चानुरक्ताश्च कृतास्ते वीर मन्त्रिणः। विजयो मन्त्रमूलो हि राज्ञो भवति भारत।॥
Do you observe neutrality towards the ascetics and towards those that show neutrality towards you? O hero, have you appointed as your ministers men like yourself, men who are old and pious, who are capable of understanding what should be done and what should not be done, who are nobly born and who are attached to you? O descendant of Bharata, the ministers are the basis of the victories of kings.

कच्चित् संवृतमन्त्रैस्तैरमात्यैः शास्त्रकोविदैः। राष्ट्रं सुरक्षितं तात शत्रुभिर्न विलुप्यते॥
O child, is your kingdom protected by ministers, learned in the Shastras, men who are keeping all counsels secret? The enemies are surely not destroying it (the kingdom).

कच्चिन्निद्रावशं नैषि कच्चित् काले विबुद्ध्यसे। कच्चिच्चापररात्रेषु चिन्तयस्थर्थमर्थवित्॥
You have not (surely) become a slave to sleep. Do you get up from sleep at the proper time? O king learned in (the mysteries of) Artha, do you think at the dead of night what you should do and what should no do?

कच्चिन्मन्त्रयसे नैकः कच्चिन्न बहुभिः सह। कच्चित् ते मन्त्रितो मन्त्रो न राष्ट्रं परिधावति॥
You do not surely settle any thing alone or take advice of many. Counsels received fro the ministers surely do not spread all over your Kingdom.

कच्चिदर्थान् विनिश्चित्य लघुमूलान् महोदयान्। क्षिप्रमारभसे कर्तुं न विघ्नयसि तादृशान्॥
Do you without procrastination accomplish measures of great utility that can be easily accomplished? Such measures are surely never obstructed (in your Kingdom).

कच्चिन्न सर्वे कर्मान्ताः परोक्षास्ते विशङ्किताः। सर्वे वा पुनरुत्सृष्टाः संसृष्टं चात्र कारणम्॥
Do the ends of all works come to your sight? Are they all fearlessly examined? Once commencing any work are they given up and begun again? Do they fall into confusion at the commencement?

आप्तैरलुब्धैः क्रमिकैस्ते च कच्चिदनुष्ठिताः। कच्चिद् राजन् कृतान्येव कृतप्रायाणि वा पुनः॥३३। विदुस्ते वीर कर्माणि नानवाप्तानि कानिचित्। कच्चित् कारणिका धर्मे सर्वशास्त्रेषु कोविदाः। कारयन्ति कुमारांश्च योधमुख्यांश्च सर्वशः॥
O king, do you accomplish your works by men that are trusted and incorruptible and that possess of practical experience? O hero, people surely know only the measures that have been accomplished or partially accomplished, and surely they can not know those that are, merely in contemplation. Have you appointed teachers, learned in all the Shastras and religious precepts, for the princes and for the chief warriors?

कच्चित् सहस्रैर्मूर्खाणामेकं क्रीणासि पण्डितम्। पण्डितो ह्यर्थकृच्छ्रेषु कुर्यान्निःश्रेयसं परम्॥
Do you purchase one single learned inan in exchanges of one thousand ignorant men? The learned man confers the greatest good at the time of distress.

कच्चिद् दुर्गाणि सर्वाणि धनधान्यायुधोदकैः। यन्त्रैश्च परिपूर्णानि तथा शिल्पिधनुर्धरैः॥
Are all your forts always kept filled with treasure, food, weapons, water, engines, and instruments, and are they protected by artisans and bowmen?

एकोऽप्यमात्यो मेधावी शूरो दान्तो विचक्षणः। राजानं राजपुत्रं वा प्रापयेन्महतीं श्रियम्॥
Even one single minister who is intelligent, heroic, self-controlled, and discriminating cunfers the greatest good on a king of on a king's son.

कच्चिदष्टादशान्येषु स्वपक्षे दश पञ्च च। त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरविज्ञातैत्सि तीर्थानि चारकैः॥
Do you ascertain by means of three and three spies who are all unaccounted with one another everything about the eighteen Tirthas of the enemy and fifteen of your own means?

कच्चिद् द्विषामविदितः प्रतिपन्नश्च सर्वदा। नित्ययुक्तो रिपून् सर्वान् वीक्षसे रिपुसूदन॥
O slayer of foes, do you watch your enemies with all possible care and attention and do you accomplish this unknown to them?

कच्चिद् विनयसम्पन्नः कुलपुत्रो बहुश्रुतः। अनसू युरनुप्रष्टा सत्कृतस्ते पुरोहितः॥ कच्चिदग्निषु ते युक्तो विधिज्ञो मतिमानृजुः। हुतं च होष्यमाणं च काले वेदयते सदा॥ कच्चिदङ्गेषु निष्णातो ज्योतिषः प्रतिपादकः। उत्पातेषु च सर्वेषु दैवज्ञः कुशलस्तव॥
Does your honored priest possess humility and purity of blood? Is he without jealousy and illiberality? Is he renowned? Has some wellbehaved, intelligent and simple Brahmana learned in the ordinances been employed by you to perform your daily rites before the sacred fire? Does he always rites before the sacred fire? Does he always remind you in proper time as to when your Homa (sacrifice) has been performed and when it should be performed (again)? Is the astrologer you have employed competent in reading physiognomy and interpreting omens and in neutralizing the disturbance of Nature?

कच्चिन्मुख्या महत्स्वेव मध्यमेषु च मध्यमाः। जघन्याश्च जघन्येषु भृत्याः कर्मसु योजिताः॥
Have you appointed respectable servants in respectable posts, indifferent ones in indifferent posts and low ones in low posts?

अमात्यानुपधातीतान् पितृपैतामहाञ्छुचीन्। श्रेष्ठाञ्छ्रेष्ठेषु कच्चित् त्वं नियोजयसि कर्मसु॥
Have you appointed in high posts ministers who are guileless and well conducted from generations to generations, and who are above the common people?

कच्चिन्नोग्रेण दण्डेन भृशमुद्विजसे प्रजाः। राष्ट्रं तवानुशासन्ति मन्त्रिणो भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, your subjects are not (sorely) oppressed by your severe rule. Do your ministers govern your kingdom always receiving all orders from you?

कच्चित् त्वां नावजानन्ति याजकाः पतितं यथा। उग्रपतिग्रहीतारं कामयानमिव स्त्रियः॥
Do they ever slight you as the sacrificial priests slight men that are fallen (from religious path), or as wives slight their husbands who are proud and who are debauches?

कच्चिद्धृष्टश्च शूरश्च मतिमान् धृतिमाञ्छुचिः। कुलीनश्चानुरक्तश्च दक्षः सेनापतिस्तथा॥
Is your commander-in-chief brave, intelligent, patient, well-conducted, nobly born, competent, devoted to you and a man of confidence?

ते कच्चिद् बलस्य मुख्याः सर्वयुद्धविशारदाः। धृष्टावदाता विक्रान्तास्त्वया सत्कृत्य मानिताः॥
Do you treat with respect and regard the chiefs (generals) of your army, who are experts in every kind of war-fare, who are pushing, who are well-behaved and endued with great prowess?

कच्चिद् बलस्य भक्तं च वेतनं च यथोचितम्। सम्प्राप्तकाले दातव्यं ददासि न विकर्षसि॥
Do you give to your soldiers they proper rations and pay at (the appointed) time? Surely you do not oppress them by withholding from them (their rations and pay).

कालातिक्रमणादेते भक्तवेतनयो ताः। भर्तुः कुप्यन्ति यद्धृत्याः सोऽनर्थः सुमहान् स्मृतः॥
Are you aware that the misery caused by the arrears of pay and the irregularity of the issue of rations creates mutiny amongst the soldiers? The learned men call it the greatest of all mischief.

कच्चित् सर्वेऽनुरक्तास्त्वां कुलपुत्राः प्रधानतः! कच्चित् प्राणांस्तवार्थेषु संत्यजन्ति सदा युधि॥
Are all the chief men (of your kingdom) nobly born? Are they all attached to you? Are they ready to give their lives cheerfully for you on the field of battle?

कच्चिनैको बहूनान् सर्वशः साम्परायिकान्। अनुशास्ति यथाकामं कामात्मा शासनातिगः॥
Surely in your kingdom) a man who is beyond all control does not out of desire rule at pleasure over things pertaining military affairs.

कच्चित् पुरुषकारेण पुरुषः कर्म शोभयन्। लभते मानमधिकं भूयो वा भक्तवेतनम्॥
Docs a man who shows exceptional merit in an act get from you more regard, and also an increase of rations and pay?

कच्चिद् विद्याविनीतांश्च नराज्ञानविशारदान्। यथार्ह गुणतश्चैव दानेनाभ्युपपद्यसे॥
Surely you reward by bestowing wealth and proper honors on men of learning and humility, and men who are skilled in every kind of knowledge.

कच्चिद् दारान्मनुष्याणां तवार्थे मृत्युमीयुषाम्। व्यसनं चाभ्युपेतानां बिभर्षि भरतर्षभ।। ५५
O best of the Bharata race, do you support the wives and children of those that have given their lives for you, and those that have fallen into distress for you?

कच्चिद् भयादुपगतं क्षीणं वा रिपुमागतम्। युद्धे वा विजितं पार्थ पुत्रवत् परिरक्षसि॥
O son of Pritha, do you cherish as your sons the enemy who having been vanquished in battle, comes to you from fear, who has become weak and who has sought your protection?

कच्चित् त्वमेव सर्वस्याः पृथिव्याः पृथिवीपते। समश्चानभिशक्यश्च यथा माता यथा पिता॥
O lord of earth, do the people of all the world consider you an an embodiment of impartiality? Can they come to you fearlessly as if you are their mother and father?

कच्चिद् व्यसनिनं शत्रु निशम्य भरतर्षभ। अभियासि जवेनैव समीक्ष्य त्रिविधं बलम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, do you reflecting well upon the three kinds of force, (at once) march, against your enemy when you hear that he is in distress?

यात्रामारभसे दिष्ट्या प्राप्तकालमरिंदम। पार्णिमूलं च विज्ञाय व्यवसायं पराजयम्। बलस्य च महाराज दत्त्वा वेतनमग्रतः॥ कच्चिच्च बलमुख्येभ्यः परराष्ट्र परंतप। उपच्छन्नानि रत्नानि प्रयच्छसि यथार्हतः॥
O chastiser of foes, when the (proper) time comes, taking into your consideration all the omens you might see and having been convinced that the resolutions you have formed and their unsuccesses depend on the twelve Mandalas and having paid your troops their pays do you begin your march? O great king, O chastiser of foes, do you have gems and jewels to the chief officers of the enemy as they (each of them) deserve without the knowledge of the enemy?

कच्चिदात्मानमेवाग्रे विजित्य विजितेन्द्रियः। परान् जिगीषसे पार्थ प्रमत्तानजितेन्द्रियान्॥
O son of Pritha, do you try to conquer your angry enemies who are slaves to their passions? Do you do it by conquering your own soul and getting mastery over your own passions?

कच्चित् ते यास्यतः शत्रून् पूर्वं यान्ति स्वनुष्ठिताः। साम दानं च भेदश्च दण्डश्च विधिवद् गुणाः॥
Before you march against your enemy do you properly employ the four arts of conciliation, gift of wealth, production of disunion and the application of strength?

कच्चिन्मूलं दृढं कृत्वा परान् यासि विशाम्पते। तांश्च विक्रमसे जेतुं जित्वा च परिरक्षसि॥
O king, do you march against your enemy, after first strengthening your own kingdom? Having marched against them, do you try your best to obtain victory over them? Having conquered them with your might do (afterwards) you protect them?

कच्चिदष्टाङ्गसंयुक्ता चतुर्विधबला चमूः। बलमुख्यैः सुनीता ते द्विषतां प्रतिवर्धिनी॥
Are your Chamus consisting of four kinds of troops, each furnished with eight limbs (wings) after having been well-trained by superior officers led out against your enemy?

कच्चिल्लवं च मुष्टिं च परराष्ट्रे परंतप। अविहाय महाराज निहसि समरे रिपून्।॥
O chastiser of foes, O great king, in having to the kingdom of your enemy you surely do not kill your enemies without regarding seasons of reaping or famine (raging).

कच्चित् स्वपरराष्ट्रेषु बहवोऽधिकृतास्तव। अर्थान समधितिष्ठन्ति रक्षन्ति च परस्परम्॥
Do the various servants in your own kingdom and those of your enemies continue to carry on their respective duties? Do they continue to protect one another?

कच्चिदभ्यवहार्याणि गात्रसंस्पर्शनानि च। प्रेयाणि च महाराज रक्षन्त्यनुमतास्तव॥
O great king, you have surely appointed trusted servants to look after the food you eat, the robes you wear and the perfume you use.

कच्चित् कोषश्च कोष्ठं च वाहनं द्वारमायुधम्। आयश्च कृतकल्याणैस्तव भक्तैरनुष्ठितः॥ कच्चिदाभ्यन्तरेभ्यश्च बाह्येभ्यश्च विशाम्पते। रक्षस्यात्मानमेवाग्रे तांश्च स्वेभ्यो मिथश्च तान्॥
O king, are your treasury, banks stables, arsenals, and female apartments well-guarded by servants who are ever devoted to you and who always seek your welfare? You no doubt first protect yourself from your domestic and public servants and you then protect those servants from your relatives and last of all you no doubt protect all of them from one another.

कच्चिन्न पाने द्यूते वा क्रीडासु प्रमदासु च। प्रतिजानन्ति पूर्वाह्ने व्ययं व्यसनजं तव॥
Can any body know in the forenoon any of your extravagance in drink, in sports (gambling) and in women?

कच्चिदायस्य चार्धेन चतुर्भागेन वा पुनः। पादभागैस्त्रिभिर्वापि व्ययः संशुद्ध्यते तव॥ कच्चिज्ज्ञातीन् गुरून्वृद्धान्वणिजः शिल्पिनः श्रितान्। अभीक्ष्णमनुगृह्णासि धनधान्येन दुर्गतान्॥
Is your expense always covered by a half, a third of fourth part of your income? Do you always cherish with food and wealth your relatives, superiors, merchants, the old, the helpless, the protected and the distressed?

कच्चिच्चायव्यये युक्ताः सर्वे गणकलेखकाः। अनुतिष्ठन्ति पूर्वाह्ने नित्यमायं व्ययं तव॥
Do you accountants and clerks employ in looking after your income and expenditure always inform you in the forenoon all about your income and expenditure?

कच्चिदर्थेषु सम्प्रौढान् हितकामाननुप्रियान्। नापकर्षसि कर्मभ्यः पूर्वमप्राप्य किल्बिषम्॥
You surely do not dismiss without fault servants who are able in work, who are popular and who are always devoted to your welfare.

कच्चिद् विदित्वा पुरुषानुत्तमाधममध्यमान्। त्वं कर्मस्वनुरूपेषु नियोजयसि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, do you appoint after duly examining them (all the three classes of men, namely) the good, indifferent and the bad in posts to which they are respectively fit to the appointed?

कचिन्न लुब्धाश्चौरा वा वैरिणो वा विशाम्पते। अप्राप्तव्यवहारा वा तव कर्मस्वनुष्ठिताः॥
O king, do you appoint men who are thievish, who are open to temptation, who are under age?

कच्चिन्न चौरेलुब्धैर्वा कुमारैः स्त्रीबलेन वा। त्वया वा पीड्यते राष्ट्र कच्चित्तुष्टाः कृषीवलः॥७७।
Do you oppress (the people of) your kingdom by the help of thievish men or by men who are open to temptation or by minors or by women? Are the peasants of your kingdom contented?

कच्चिद् राष्ट्रे तडागानि पूर्णानि च बृहन्ति च। भागशो विनिविष्टानि न कृषिर्देवमातृका॥
Are large tanks dug in your kingdom at proper distance, for which agriculture is not in your realm entirely dependent on rains?

कच्चिन्न भक्तं बीजं च कर्षकस्यावसीदति। प्रत्येकं च शतं वृद्ध्या ददास्यृणमनुग्रहम्॥
Are the agriculturists in your kingdom in want of food or seed? Do you kindly advance them loan (of seed grain) taken only a fourth part over every hundred (seer, mound etc.)?

कच्चित् स्वनुष्ठिता तात वार्ता ते साधुभिर्जनैः। वार्तायां संश्रितस्तात लोकोऽयं सुखमेधते॥
O child, do the four kings of Bharata (agriculture, trade, cattle rearing and lending in interest) are carried on (in your kingdom) by honest men? O child, upon these depend the happiness of your subjects.

कच्चिच्छूराः कृतप्रज्ञाः पञ्च पञ्च स्वनुष्ठिताः। क्षेमं कुर्वन्ति संहत्य राजञ्जनपदे तव॥
O king, do the five wise and brave men employed in the five chief ports, (namely that of protecting the city, fort, the merchant and the agriculturists and of punishing the criminals) always do good to your kingdom by working in unison?

कच्चिन्नगरगुप्त्यर्थं ग्रामा नगरवत् कृताः। ग्रामवच्च कृताः प्रान्तास्ते च सर्वे त्वदर्पणाः॥
Have the villages been made (by you) like towns and the outskirts of towns like villages for the protection of your city? Are they all under your supervision and away?

कच्चिद् बलेनानुगताः समानि विषमाणि च। पुराणि चौरान निघ्नन्तश्चरन्ति विषये तव॥
Are the thieves and the robbers that steal in your city and loot your towns pursued by your soldiers over even and uneven grounds?

कच्चित् स्त्रियः सान्त्वयसि कच्चित् ताश्च सुरक्षिताः कच्चिन्न श्रद्दधास्यासां कच्चिद् गुह्यं न भाषसे॥
Do you console and protect the women? You surely do not place any confidence on them, or divulge any secret before any of them?

कच्चिदात्ययिकं श्रुत्वा तदर्थमनुचिन्त्य च। प्रियाण्यनुभवच्छेषे न त्वमन्त:पुरे नृप॥
O king, hearing of any danger, and even reflecting over it, do you lic in the innerapartinents and enjoy luxury there?

कच्चिद् द्वौ प्रथमौ यामौ रात्रेः सुप्त्वा विशाम्पते। संचिन्तयसि धर्मार्थी याम उत्थाय पश्चिमे॥ कच्चिदर्थयसे नित्यं मनुष्यान् समलंकृतः । उत्थाय काले कालज्ञैः सह पाण्डवमन्त्रिभिः॥
O king, O son of Pandu, having slept during the second and the third divisions of the night, do you reflect over Dharma and Artha (in the last division of the night)? Do your accompanied by your ministers, feared in the mystery of Time, show your self well-adorned to your people after waking at the proper time?

कच्चिद् रक्ताम्बरधराः खगहस्ता: स्वलंकृताः। उपासते त्वामभितो रक्षणार्थमरिन्दम॥
O chastiser of foes, do men attired in purple clothes, armed with swords and adorned with ornaments, stand by you to protect your person?

कच्चिद् दण्ड्येषु यमवत्पूज्येषु च विशाम्पते। परीक्ष्य वर्तसे सम्यगप्रियेषु प्रियेषु च॥
O king, do you conduct yourself like Yama (the God of justice) in meting out proper punishments to those that deserve it, and also proper worship to those that deserve it? Do you do this equally to those that are dear to you and to those that you do not like?

कच्चिच्छारीरमाबाधमौषधैर्नियमेन वा। मानसं वृद्धसेवाभिः सदा पार्थापकर्षसि॥
O son of Pritha, do you take care of your bodily ailments by taking medicines and also taking recourse to fasts and regularity of diet and of your mental illness by taking advice of the old men?

कच्चिद् वैद्याश्चिकित्सायामष्टाङ्गायां विशारदाः। सुहृदश्चानुरक्ताश्च शरीरे ते हिताः सदा॥
The physicians that have been appointed by you to look after your health are surely learned in the eight divisions of the science of treatment)? They are surely all attached to you and devoted to you?

कच्चिन्न लोभान्मोहाद् वा मानाद् वापि विशामाते। अर्थिप्रत्यर्थिनः प्राप्तान् न पश्यसि कथञ्चन॥
O king, out of covetousness, or folly or pride you surely never fail to decide the case between the plaintiff and the defendant who come to you?

कच्चिन्न लोभान्मोहाद् वा विश्रम्भात् प्रणयेन वा। आश्रितानां मनुष्याणां वृत्तिं त्वं संरुणत्सि वै॥
Do you, out of covetousness of folly, deprive of the pensions of the men that have come to you for protection out of trustfulness or love?

कच्चिद् पौरा न सहिता ये च ते राष्ट्रवासिनः। त्वया सह विरुध्यन्ते परैः क्रीता कथञ्चन॥
Do the citizens and the people of your kingdom, being bought by your enemies (with bribe), try to create a quarrel with you by forming into an united party?

कच्चिन्न दुर्बलः शत्रुर्बलेन परिपीडितः। मन्त्रेण बलवान् कश्चिदुभाभ्यां च कथञ्चन॥
Are your enemies, especially those that are weak, always repressed by you with the help of your troops? Are those that are strong repressed with the help of both good counsel and troops?

कच्चित् सर्वेऽनुरक्तास्त्वां भूमिपाला: प्रधानतः। कच्चित् प्राणांस्त्वदर्थेषु संत्यजन्ति त्वयाऽऽदृताः॥
Are all your principal (tributary chiefs) rules of land attached to you? Are they ready to give their lives for you, if they are commanded by you?

कच्चित् ते सर्वविद्यासु गुणतोऽर्चा प्रवर्तते। ब्राह्मणानां च साधूनां तव नैःश्रेयसी शुभा। दक्षिणास्त्वं ददास्येषां नित्यं स्वर्गापवर्गदाः॥
Do you worship Brahmanas and wise men according to their respective merits as regards their 'nowledge in all the branches of learning? Such worship is undoubtedly beneficial to you.

कच्चिद् धर्मे त्रयीमूले पूर्वैराचरिते जनैः। यतमानस्तथा कर्तुं तस्मिन् कर्मणि वर्तसे॥
Have you your faith in the religion based on the three (Vedas) and followed by men who have gone before you? Do you with care follow the practices practised by them?

कच्चित्तव गृहेऽन्नानि स्वादून्यश्नन्ति वै द्विजाः। गुणवन्ति गुणोपेतास्तवाध्यक्षं सदक्षिणम्॥ ॥
Are the accomplished Brahmanas entertained in your presence with delicious and nutritive food in your house? Do they get (proper) Dakshinas after the feast?

कच्चित् क्रतूनेकचित्तो वाजपेयांश्च सर्वशः। पुण्डरीकांश्च कात्स्येन यतसे कर्तुमात्मवान्॥
With steadiness of mind and with complete self-possession, do you try to perform Vajpeya, Pundarikas and other sacrifices with all necessary rites?

कच्चिज्ज्ञातीन् गुरून् वृद्धान् दैवतांस्तापसानपि। चैत्यांश्च वृक्षान् कल्याणान् ब्राह्मणांश्च नमस्यसि।। १०१
Do you bow your head to your relatives and to your superiors, to the gods, to the ascetics, to old men, to the large trees that are so beneficial (to men) and to the Brahmanas?

कच्चिछोको न मन्युर्वा त्वया प्रोत्पाद्यतेऽनघ। अपि मङ्गलहस्तश्च जनः पार्श्वे नु तिष्ठति॥
O sinless one, you do not surely inspire anger or create grief in another person? Do men that are capable of granting you auspicious fruits always stand at your side?

कच्चिदेषा च ते बुद्धिर्वृत्तिरेषा च तेऽनघ। आयुष्या च यशस्या च धर्मकामार्थदर्शिनी॥
O sinless one, are your disposition and practice such as I have described, and such as always lengthen the period of life spread fame and help the cause of Dharma, Artha and Kama?

एतया वर्तमानस्य बुद्ध्या राष्ट्रं न सीदति। विजित्य च महीं राजा सोऽत्यन्तसुखमेधते॥
He who conducts himself thus never finds his kingdom distressed or afflicted. Such a king subjugates the whole earth and enjoys great happiness.

कच्चिदार्यो विशुद्धात्मा क्षारितश्चौरकर्मणि। अदृष्टशास्त्रकुशलैर्न लोभाद् वध्यते शुचिः॥ दुष्टो गृहीतस्तत्कारी तज्ज्ञैर्दृष्टः सकारणः। कच्चिन्न मुच्यते स्तेनो द्रव्यलोभान्नरर्षभ॥
O best of men, no well-beloved, puresouled and respected person is surely deceived and his life is not taken in a false charge of theft by your ministers, who are ignorant of Shastras and who are covetous? Your ministers do surely never, out of covetousness, allow a real thief to escape, knowing him to be such and after arresting him with the booty on him?

उत्पन्नान् कच्चिदाढ्यस्य दरिद्रस्य च भारत। अर्थान् न मिथ्या पश्यन्ति तवामात्या हृता जनैः।।
O descendant of Bharata, your ministers being bribed do never decide wrongly the disputes that arise between the poor and the rich?

नास्तिक्यमनृतं क्रोधं प्रमादं दीर्घसूत्रताम्। अदर्शनं ज्ञानवतामालस्यं पञ्चवृत्तिताम्। एकचिन्तनमनामनर्थज्ञैश्च चिन्तनम्॥ निश्चितानामनारम्भं मन्त्रस्यापरिरक्षणम्। मङ्गलाद्यप्रयोगं च प्रत्युत्थानं च सर्वतः॥ कच्चित्वं वर्जयस्येतान् राजदोषांश्चतुर्दश। प्रायशो यैर्विनश्यन्ति कृतमूलापि पार्थिवाः॥
Do you keep yourself aloof from the fourteen vices of kings namely, atheism, untruthfulness, anger, carelessness, procrastination, non-visiting the wise, idleness, restlessness of mind, taking counsel with one man only, consultation with persons ignorant of the science of Artha, abandonment of a settled plain divulgence of counsels, unaccomplishment of beneficial projects and undertaking everything without reflection? O king, even those kings that are firmly seated on their thrones are ruined by these (vices).

कच्चित् ते सफला वेदाः कच्चितः ते सफलं धनम्। कच्चित्ते सफला दाराः कच्चित्ते सफलं श्रुतम्॥
Has your study of the Vedas been successful? Have your wealth, the knowledge of Shastras and marriage been successful?

युधिष्ठिर उवाच कथं वै सफला वेदाः कथं वै सफलं धनम्। कथं वै सफला दाराः कथं वै सफलं श्रुतम्॥
Yudhishthira said O Rishi, how do the study of the Vedas wealth, wife and the knowledge of Shastras become successful?

नारद उवाच अग्निहोत्रफला वेदा दत्तभुक्तफलं धनम्। रतिपुत्रफला दाराः शीलवृत्तफलं श्रुतम्॥
Narada Said The study of the Vedas is successful when he who studies it performs Agnihotra sacrifice. Wealth is successful when the possessor of wealth enjoys it himself and gives it away in charity. Marriage is successful when the wife is enjoyed and when she bears offspring. The knowledge of the Shastras is successful when it results in humility and good conduct.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतदाख्याय स मुनि रदो वै महातपाः। पप्रच्छानन्तरमिदं धर्मात्मानं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Vaishampayana said Having told this the greatly ascetic Rishi Narada then again asked the virtuous minded Yudhishthira.

नारद उवाच कच्चिदभ्यागता दूराद् वणिजो लाभकारणात्। यथोक्तमवहार्यन्ते शुल्कं शुल्कोपजीविभिः॥ कच्चित् ते पुरुषा राजन् पुरे राष्ट्रे च मानिताः। उपानयन्ति पण्यानि उपधाभिरवञ्चिताः॥
Narada said O king, do your officers who are paid from the taxes to be realized from merchandise, take only their just dues from the merchants that come from distant place (to your kingdom) with the desire of gain? Are the merchants and traders well-treated in your capital and kingdom? Are they capable of bringing their goods without being any way deceived?

कच्चिच्छृणोषि वृद्धानां धर्मार्थ सहिता गिरः। नित्यमर्थविदां तात यथाधर्मार्थदर्शिनाम्॥
O child, do you daily listen to the words fraught with Dharma and Artha, the words of old men learned in the science of Artha and capable of pointing out the ways of (both) Dharma and Artha?

कच्चित् ते कृषितन्त्रेषु गोषु पुष्यफलेषु च। धर्मार्थं च द्विजातिभ्यो दीयते मधुसर्पिषी॥
Are Ghee and honey presented to Brahmanas for the increase of crops, kine fruits, flowers and virtue?

द्रव्योपकरणं किंचित् सर्वदा सर्वशिल्पिनाम्। चातुर्मास्यावरं सम्यनियतं सम्प्रयच्छसि॥
Do you always give to the artizans employed in your works all the materials that are required for their construction and also their wages at periods (at least) not extending more than four months?

कच्चित् कृतं विजानीषे कर्तारं च प्रशंससि। सतां मध्ये महाराज सत्करोषि च पूजयन्॥
O great king, do you examine the works done for you? Do you praise before good men those that are employed by you? Do you reward them after showing towards them due respect?

कत्त्वित् सूत्राणि सर्वाणि गृह्णासि भरतर्षभ। हस्तिसूत्राश्वसूत्राणि रथसूत्राणि वा विभो॥
O best of the Bharata race, O lord do you follow all the Sutras (aphorisms) of the sages, especially those in respect of elephants, horses and chariots.

कच्चिदभ्यस्यते सम्यग् गृहे ते भरतर्षभ। धनुर्वेदस्य सूत्रं वै यन्त्रसूत्रं च नागरम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, are the Sutras regarding the science of arms and also those regarding instruments necessary for attacking fortified towns, carefully studied in SO your house?

कच्चिदस्त्राणि सर्वाणि ब्रह्मदण्डश्च तेऽनघ। विषयोगास्तथा सर्वे विदिताः शत्रुनाशनाः॥
O sinless one, are you acquainted with all Weapons all mysterious incantations and with all the secrets of poison destructive of all enemies?

कच्चिदग्निभयाच्चैव सर्वं व्यालभयात् तथा। रोगरक्षोभयाच्चैव राष्ट्र स्वं परिरक्षसि॥
Do you protect your kingdom from the fear of fire, snakes, other carnivorous animals, diseases and Rakshasas?

कच्चिदन्धश्च मूकांश्च पडून् व्यङ्गानबान्धवान्। पितेव पासि धर्मज्ञ तथा प्रव्रजितानपि॥
O (hero), learned in all virtuous precepts, do you cherish like a father the blind, the dumb, the lame, the deformed, the friendless, and also the homeless ascetics?

षडना महाराज कच्चित् ते पृष्ठतः कृताः। निद्राऽऽलस्यं भयं क्रोधोऽमार्दवं दीर्घसूत्रता॥
O great king, have you banished from you the six evils (to which human flesh is heir to), namely sleep, fear, anger, weakness of mind and procrastination?

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कुरूणामृषभो महात्मा श्रुत्वा गिरो ब्राह्मणसत्तमस्या प्रणम्य पादावभिवाद्य तुष्टो राजाब्रवीनारदं देवरूपम्॥
Vaishampayana said Having heard these words of that best of Brahmanas, the celestial-like Narada and having been pleased with what he heard, the best of the Kuru race, the high-souled king (Yudhishthira) bowed down to him and worshipped his feet.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच एवं करिष्यामि यथा त्वयोक्तं प्रज्ञा हि मे भूय एवाभिवृद्धा। उक्त्वा तथा चैव चकार राजा लेभे महीं सागरमेखलां च॥
Yudhishthira said I shall do what you have said. My knowledge has increased by your instructions. Having said this, the king did as he was directed and gained (the sovereignty of) the earth bounded by the belt of sea.

नारद उवाच एवं यो वर्तते राजा चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य रक्षणे। स विहृत्येह सुसुखी शक्रस्यैति सलोकताम्॥
Narada said The king who is ever engaged in the protection of the four orders (the four chief casts) passes his days in happiness in this world and attains the region of Shakra (Indra) in the next (world).