Entry to the assembly-hall

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः प्रवेशनं तस्यां चक्रे राजा युधिष्ठिरः। अयुतं भोजयित्वा तु ब्राह्मणानां नराधिपः॥ साज्येन पयसेनैव मधुना मिश्रितेन च। कृसरेणाथ जीवन्त्या हविष्येण च सर्वशः॥
Vaishampayana said Having fed thousands of Brahmanas with sweetened milk mixed with rice, honey and Ghee, with fruits and roots and with the meat of boar and deer the ruler of men king Yudhishthira entered into it (the palace). With food seasoned with sesame, with Tabanti (a sort of vegetable), with rice mixed with Ghee.

भक्ष्यप्रकारैर्विविधैः फलैश्चापि तथा नृप। चोष्यैश्च विविधै राजन् पेयैश्च बहुविस्तरैः॥ अहतैश्चैव वासोभिर्माल्यैरुच्चावचैरपि। तर्पयामास विप्रेन्द्रान् नानादिग्भ्यः समागतान्॥
With the various preparations of meat, with various kinds of other food, with various suckable and drinkable viands, with unused robes and clothes, and with excellent garlands, the king gratified the superior Brahmanas that had assembled there from various directions.

ददौ तेभ्यः सहस्राणि गवां प्रत्येकशः पुनः। पुण्याहघोषस्तत्रासीद दिवस्पृगिव भारत॥
He also gave them each one thousand kine. O descendant of Bharata, their cry of “What an auspicious day" rose to the sky.

वादित्रैर्विविधैर्दिव्यैर्गन्धैरुच्चावचैरपि। पूजयित्वा कुरुश्रेष्ठो दैवतानि निवेश्य च॥
Having worshipped the gods with various kinds of music and with numerous sorts of costly perfumes, that best of the Kurus (Yudhishthira) entered (the hall).

तत्र मल्ला नटा झल्ला: सूता वैतालिकास्तथा। उपतस्थुर्महात्मानं धर्मपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
The athletes, actors, prize-fighter bards and praise-singers exhibited their skill to amuse the illustrious son of Dharma (Yudhishthira).

तथा स कृत्वा पूजां तां भ्रातृभिः सह पाण्डवः। तस्यां सभायां रम्यायां रेमे शक्रो यथा दिवि॥
Having thus performed many ceremonies, the Pandava (Yudhishthira) with his brothers sported in that charming assembly hall as Shakra (Indra) in heaven.

सभायामृषयस्तस्यां पाण्डवैः सह आसते। आसांचक्रुनरेन्द्राश्च नानादेशसमागताः॥
On the seats in that assembly-hall sat with the Pandavas the Rishis and the kings that came from various countries.

असितो देवलः सत्यः सर्पिर्माली महाशिराः। अर्वावसुः सुमित्रश्च मैत्रेयः शुनको बलिः॥ बको दाल्भ्यः स्थूलशिराः कृष्णद्वैपायनः शुकः। सुमन्तुजैमिनिः पैलो व्यासशिष्यास्तथा वयम्॥ तित्तिरिर्याज्ञवल्क्यश्च ससुतो लोमहर्षणः। अप्सुहोम्यश्च धौम्यश्च अणीमाण्डव्यकौशिकौ॥ दामोष्णीषस्त्रैबलिश्च पर्णादो घटजानुकः। मौञ्जायनो वायुभक्षः पाराशर्यश्च सारिकः॥ बलिवाकः सिनीवाकः सत्यपालः कृतश्रमः। जातूकर्ण: शिखावांश्च आलम्बः पारिजातकः॥ पर्वतश्च महाभागो मार्कण्डेयो महामुनिः। पवित्रपाणि: सावर्णो भालुकिर्गालवस्तथा॥ जङ्घाबन्धुश्च रैभ्यश्च कोपवेगस्तथा भृगुः। हरिबभ्रुश्च कौण्डिन्यो बभ्रुमाली सनातनः॥ काक्षीवानौशिजश्चैव नाचिकेतोऽथ गौतमः। पैङ्गयो वराहः शुनकः शाण्डिल्यश्च महातपाः॥ कुक्कुरो वेणुजङ्घोऽथ कालापः कद्द एव च। मुनयो धर्मविद्वांसो धृतात्मानो जितेन्द्रियाः॥
Asita, Devala, Satya, Sarpamali, Mahashira, Arvavasa, Sumitra, Maitreya, Shunaka, Bali, Baka, Dalbhya, Sthulashira, Krishna Dvaipayana, Shuka, Sumanta, Gemini, Paila, the pupils of Vyasa, namely ourselves, Tittri, Yajnavalkya, Lomaharsana with his on, Apsuhomya, Dhaumya, Animandavya, Kaushika, Damoshnisha, Traibali, Parnada, Varajanuka, Maunjayana, Vayubhaksha, Parasarya, Sarika, Balivaka, Sinivaka, Satyapala, Kritashrama, Jatukarna, Shikhavana, Alamba, Parijataka, the high-souled Parvata, the great Rishi Markandeya, Pavitrapani, Savarma, Bhaluki, Galava, Janghabandhu, Raibhya, Kopavega, Bhrigu, Haribabhru, Kaundinya, Babhrumali, Sanatana, Kakshivana, Aushija, Nachiketa, Gautama, Painga, Varaha, greatly ascetic Shandilya, Kukkura, Venujangha, Kalapa and Katha. All were Rishis of great virtue and learning with their souls under complete control and passions under complete subjugation.

एते चान्ये च बहवो वेदवेदाङ्गपारगाः। उपासते महात्मानं सभायामृषिसत्तमाः॥ कथयन्तः कथाः पुण्या धर्मज्ञा शुचयोऽमलाः। तथैव क्षत्रियश्रेष्ठा धर्मराजमुपासते॥
These and many others, as numerous as the above, all learned in the Vedas and the Vedangas, conversant with all moralities, all pure and spotless in conduct, waited upon the illustrious (king) and pleased him with their sacred discourses. Many chief Kshatriyas also waited upon Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira).

श्रीमान् महात्मा धर्मात्मा मुञ्जकेतुर्विवर्धनः। संग्रामजिद् दुमुखश्च उग्रसेनश्च वीर्यवान्॥ कक्षसेनः क्षितिपतिः क्षेमकश्चापराजितः। कम्बोजराजः कमद्दः कम्पनश्च महाबलः॥ सततं कम्पयामास यवनानेक एव यः। बलपौरुषसम्पन्नान् कृतास्त्रानमितौजसः। यथासुरान् कालकेयान् देवो वज्रधरास्तथा॥
The fortunate and virtuous Munjaketu, Vivardhana Sangramjit Durmukha, the powerful Ugrasena, Kakshasena, the lord of the Earth, the invincible Kshemaka, the king of Kamboja, Kamatha the mighty Kampana who made the javanas tremble at his name as the wielder of thunder Indra made the Asuras Kalkeyas tremble at his name.

जटासुरो मद्रकाणां च राजा कुन्तिः पुलिन्दश्च किरातराजः। तथाऽऽङ्गवाङ्गौ सह पुण्ड्रकेण पाण्ड्योड्रराजौ च सहान्ध्रकेण॥ अङ्गो वङ्गः सुमित्रश्च शैब्यश्चामित्रकर्शनः। किरातराजः सुमना यवनाधिपतिस्तथा॥ चाणूरो देवरातश्च भोजो भीमरथश्च यः। श्रुतायुधश्च कालिङ्गो जयसेनश्च मागधः॥ सुकर्मा चेकितानश्च पुस्श्वामित्रकर्शनः। केतुमान् वसुदानश्च वैदेहोऽथ कृतक्षणः॥ सुधर्मा चानिरुद्धश्च श्रुतायुश्च महाबलः। अनूपराजो दुर्धर्षः क्रमजिच्च सुदर्शनः॥ शिशुपालः सहसुत: करूषाधिपतिस्तथा। वृष्णीनां चैव दुर्धर्षाः कुमारा देवरूपिणः॥ आहुको विपृथुश्चैव गदः सारण एव च। अक्रूरः कृतवर्मा च सत्यकश्च शिनेः सुतः॥ भीष्मकोऽथाकृतिश्चैव धुमत्सेनश्च वीर्यवान्। केकयाश्च महेष्वासा यज्ञसेनश्च सौमकिः॥
Jatasura, the king of the Madrakas, Kunti, the king of the Kiratas, Pulinda, the kings of Anga and Banga, Pundraka and Pandya, the king of Udhara and Andhaka, Sumitra, the slayer of foes Shaivya, the king of the Kiratas, Sumana, the king of the Yavanas Chanur, Devarata, Bhoja, Bhimaratha, the king of Kalinga, Shrutayudha, the king of Magadha, Jayasena, Sukarman, Chekitana, that slayer of foes Puru, Ketumana, Vasudana, Videha, Kritakshana, Sudharma, Aniruddha, the greatly strong Shrutayu, the invincible Anuparaja, the handsome Kramajit, Sisupala with his son, the king of Karusha, the invincible and celestialslike young heroes of the Vrishni race, namely Ahuka, Viprithu, Gada, Sarana, Akrura, Kritavarman, the son of Sini, Satyaka, Bhishmaka, Akriti, the powerful Dyumtsena, those chiefs of bow men, the Kaikeyas and Yajnasena of the Somaka race.

केतुमान् वसुमांश्चैव कृतास्त्रश्च महाबलः। एते चान्ये च बहवः क्षत्रिया मुख्यसम्मताः॥ उपासते सभायां स्म कुन्तीपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। अर्जुनं ये च संश्रित्य राजपुत्रा महाबलाः॥ अशिक्षन्त धनुर्वेदं रौरवाजिनवाससः। तत्रैव शिक्षिता राजन् कुमारा वृष्णिनन्दनाः॥
These greatly powerful and all well-armed and wealthy, Ketuman and Vasumana and many other Kshatriya, as numerous as the above, and all considered to be the foremost (men among the Kshatriyas waited on that assembly-hall upon the son of Kunti Yudhishthira. O king, those powerful princes that learnt science of arms from Arjuna, dressing themselves in deer skins, and those princes of the Vrishni race,

रौक्मिणेयश्च साम्बश्च युयुधानश्च सात्यकिः। सुधर्मा चानिरुद्धश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गवः॥
Namely, the son of Rukmani (Pradyumna), Samba, Yuyudhana, the son of Satyaka (Satyaki), Sudharmana, Anirudha, Shaivya, these foremost of men (all waited upon Yudhishthira).

एते चान्ये च बहवो राजानः पृथिवीपते। धनंजयसखा चात्र नित्यमास्ते स्म तुम्बुरुः॥ उपासते महात्मानमासीनं सप्तविंशतिः। चित्रसेनः सहामात्यो गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा॥ गीतवादित्रकुशलाः साम्यतालविशारदाः। प्रमाणेऽथ लये स्थाने किन्नराः कृतनिश्रमाः॥ संचोदितास्तुम्बुरुणा गन्धर्वसहितास्तदा। गायन्ति दिव्यतानैस्ते यथान्यायं मनस्विनः। पाण्डुपुत्रानृषींश्चैव रमयन्त उपासते॥ तस्यां सभायामासीनाः सुव्रताः सत्यसंगराः। दिवीव देवा ब्रह्माणं युधिष्ठिरमुपासते॥
O lord of the earth, these and many other kings, (waited upon Yudhishthira) the friend of Dhananjaya (Arjuna) Tumbaru, Chitrasena with his ministers, and many other Gandharvas and Apsaras, all well-skilled in singing and playing music, and expert in cadence, and also the Kinnaras, well-skilled in measures and motions, all at the command of Tumbaru waited upon and amused the sons of Pandu and so did also the Rishis (that were present there) by singing celestials songs in proper and charming voice. Those best of men, those best of men, those men of rigid vows, those men with heart devoted to truth all waited upon Yudhishthira, as the celestials wait upon Brahma in heaven.