Defeat of Agni

वैशम्पायन उवाच सोऽब्रवीदर्जुनं चैव वासुदेवं च सात्वतम्। लोकप्रवीरौ तिष्ठन्तौ खाण्डवस्य समीपतः॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon that Brahmana thus spoke to Arjuna and Vasudeva of Satvata race," You two, who are now staying so near the Khandava, are two foremost of men.

ब्राह्मणो बहुभोक्तास्मि भुञ्जेऽपरिमितं सदा। भिक्षे वार्ष्णेयपार्थो वामेकां तृप्तिं प्रयच्छतम्॥
I am a voracious Brahmana that eats much. o descendants of Vrishni and Pritha, I ask you to gratify me by giving me sufficient foot.”

एवमुक्तौ तमब्रूतां ततस्तौ कृष्णपाण्डवौ। केनान्नेन भवांस्तृप्येत् तस्यान्नस्य यतावहे॥
Having been thus addressed, Krishna and the Pandava (Arjuna) thus spoke to him, “ Tell us what food will gratify you. We shall try to give it to you."

एवमुक्तः स भगवानब्रवीत् तावुभौ ततः। भाषमाणौ तदा वीरौ किमन्नं क्रियतामिति॥
Having been thus addressed, the illustrious Brahmana thus spoke to those two heroes who were enquiries what kind of food he wanted.

ब्राह्मण उवाच नाहमन्नं बुभुक्षे वै पावकं मां निबोधतम्। यदन्नमनुरूपं मे तद् युवां सम्प्रयच्छतम्॥
The Brahmana said ; I do not wish to eat ordinary food. Know that I am Agni (fire). Give me that food which suits me.

इदमिन्द्रः सदा दावं खाण्डवं परिरक्षति। न च शक्रोम्यहं दग्धुं रक्ष्यमाणं महात्मना॥
This Khandava (forest) is every protected by Indra. I always fail to consume it, because it is ever protected by that illustrious god.

वसत्यत्र सखा तस्य तक्षकः पन्नगः सदा। सगणस्तत्कृते दावं परिरक्षति वज्रभृत्॥
There lives in this forest) his friend the Naga Takshaka with his relatives and followers. It is for him that the wilder of thunder (Indra) protects it.

तत्र भूतान्यनेकानि रक्षतेऽस्य प्रसङ्गतः। तं दिधक्षुर्न शक्नोमि दग्धुं शक्रस्य तेजसा॥
Many other creatures are also protected by him (in this forest) for the sake of Takshaka. Although I am ever desirous of consuming it, I cannot do it for Indra's prowess.

स मां प्रज्वलितं दृष्ट्वा मेघाम्भोभिः प्रवर्षति। ततो दग्धुं न शक्नोमि दिधक्षुर्दावमीप्सिताम्॥
Whenever he sees me blazing up in this forest), he pours upon me waters from the clouds. I cannot thus succeed to consume it, though very much desirous of doing it.

स युवाभ्यां सहायाभ्यामस्त्रविद्भ्यां समागतः। दहेयं खाण्डवं दावमेतदन्नं वृतं मया॥
I have now come to you, you are both great experts in arms. I shall be able to consume Khandava with your help. This is the food I desire to have from you.

युवां ह्यदकधारास्ता भूतानि च समन्ततः। उत्तमास्त्रविदौ सम्यक् सर्वतो वारयिष्यथः॥
Expert as you are in excellent weapons, I pray you to prevent the showers of rain from coming down upon me and to prevent also any creatures from escaping when I begin to consume it (the forest).

जनमेजय उवाच किमर्थं भगवानग्निः खाण्डवं दग्धुमिच्छति। रक्ष्यमाणं महेन्द्रेण नानासत्त्वसमायुतम्॥
Janamejaya said : Why did the high-souled Agni desire to consume the forest of Khandava, abounding in various living creatures and protected by Indra?

न ह्येतत् कारणं ब्रह्मन्नल्पं सम्प्रतिभाति मे। यद् ददाह सुसंक्रुद्धः खाण्डवं हव्यवाहनः॥ एतद् विस्तरशो ब्रह्मञ्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः। खाण्डवस्य पुरा दाहो यथा समभवन्मुने॥
When Agni consumed the Khandava in wrath, there was certainly a grave cause for it. I desire to hear from you all this in detail. O Rishi, tell me why the Khandava (forest) was consumed (by fire) in the days of yore.

वैशम्पायन उवाच शृणु मे ब्रुवतो राजन् सर्वमेतद् यथातथम्। यनिमित्तं ददाहाग्निः खाण्डवं पृथिवीपते॥
O king, hear I am telling you the whole story of why Khandava forest was consumed by the fire.

हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि पौराणीमृषिसंस्तुताम्। कथामिमां नरश्रेष्ठ खाण्डवस्य विनाशिनीम्॥
Vaishampayana said : O best of men, I shall narrate to you the story of the destruction of the Khandavas as told by the Rishis in the Puranas.

पौराणः श्रूयते राजन् राजा हरिहयोपमः। श्वेतकिर्नाम विख्यातो बलविक्रमसंयुतः॥
O king, it has been heard in the Puranas that there was a king named Shvetaki who was endued with both strength and prowess and who was a rival to Indra himself.

यज्वा दानपतिर्थीमान् यथा नान्योऽस्ति कञ्चन। ईजे च स महायज्ञैः क्रतुभिश्चाप्तदक्षिणैः॥
None has equalled him in sacrifices, charity and intelligence. He performed five great sacrifices and many other smaller ones, in all of which Dakshinas (presents to Brahmanas) were very large.

तस्य नान्याभवद् बुद्धिर्दिवसे दिवसे नृप। सत्रे क्रियासमारम्भे दानेषु विविधेषु च॥ ऋत्विग्भिः सहितो धीमानेवमीजे स भूमिपः। ततस्तु ऋत्विजश्चास्य धूमव्याकुललोचनाः॥ कालेन महता खिन्नास्तत्यजुस्ते नराधिपम्। ततः प्रचोदयामास ऋत्विजस्तान् महीपतिः॥ चक्षुर्विकलतां प्राप्ता न प्रपेदुश्च ते क्रतुम्।
O king, the heart of that monarch was always set upon sacrifices, religious rites and gifts of all kind. That greatly intelligent king performed sacrifices for many years, assisted by the Ritvijas till they, becoming weak and their eyes afflicted with smoke, left that king, wishing never more to assist him at his sacrifices. The king, however, again and again asked them to come to him, but on account of their sore eyes, they did not come.

ततस्तेषामनुमते तद् विप्रैस्तु नराधिपः॥ सत्रं समापयामास ऋत्विग्भिपरैः सह।
Thereupon the king with the permission of the Ritvijas completed his sacrifices with the assistance of other Ritvijas.

तस्यैवं वर्तमानस्य कदाचित् कालपयये॥ सत्रमाहर्तुकामस्य सवंत्सरशतं किल। ऋत्विजो नाभ्यपद्यन्त समाहर्तुं महात्मनः॥
Some days after, he desired to perform another sacrifice which would extend for one hundred years. But the illustrious king did not get any Ritvijas.

स च राजाकरोद् यत्नं महान्तं ससुहृज्जनः। प्रणिपातेन सान्त्वेन दानेन च महायशाः॥ ऋत्विजोऽनुनयामास भूयो भूयस्त्वतन्द्रितः। ते चास्य तमभिप्रायं न चक्रुरमितौजसः॥
They high-souled king with his friends and relatives again and again courted them by bowing down to them, by conciliatory speeches and by the gifts of wealth. But they refused to accomplish the purpose of that greatly effulgent (king).

स चाश्रमस्थान् राजर्षिस्तानुवाच रुषान्वितः। यद्यहं पतितो विप्राः शुश्रूषायां न च स्थितः॥ आशु त्याज्योऽस्मि युष्माभिर्ब्राह्मणैश्च जुगुप्सितः। तन्नार्हथ क्रतुश्रद्धां व्याघातयितुमद्य ताम्॥
Thereupon that royal sage thus spoke to them in anger, sitting in their own hermitage, “O Brahmanas, if I were a fallen person, if I were in wanting in service to you, I should then deserve to be abandoned by you and other Brahmanas.

अस्थाने वा परित्यागं कर्तुं मे द्विजसत्तमाः। प्रपन्न एव वो विप्राः प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हथ॥ सान्त्वदानादिभिर्वाक्येस्तत्त्वतः कार्यवत्तया। प्रसादयित्वा वक्ष्यामि यन्नः कार्यं द्विजोत्तमाः॥ अथवाहं परित्यक्तो भवद्भिदे॒षकारणात्। ऋत्विजोऽन्यान् गमिष्यामि याजनार्थं द्विजोत्तमाः॥
O excellent Brahmanas, as I am neither degraded, nor wanting in homage to you, you should not obstruct sacrifice performed by me and abandon me thus without sufficient reason. O Brahmanas, I seek your protection, you should be propitious to me. () excellent Brahmanas, if you abandon me from enmity alone, I shall go to other Brahmanas and I shall ask for their assistance at my sacrifice. Conciliating them with sweet words and speeches, I shall tell them what is my business to be done so that they may accomplish it."

एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं विरराम स पार्थिवः। यदा न शेकू राजानं याजनार्थं परंतपः॥ ततस्ते याजकः क्रुद्धास्तमूचुर्नृपसत्तमम्। तव कर्माण्यजस्रं वै वर्तन्ते पार्थिवोत्तम॥
Having said this, the king became silent. The Brahmanas knew well that they could not assist that chastiser of foes at his sacrifice; therefore they pretended to be angry with that best of kings and they said, "O best of kings, your sacrifices are incessant.

ततो वयं परिश्रान्ताः सततं कर्मवाहिनः। श्रमादस्मात् परिश्रान्तान् स त्वं नस्त्यक्तुमर्हसि॥ बुद्धिमोहं समास्थाय त्वरासम्भावितोऽनघ। गच्छ रुद्रसकाशं त्वं स हि त्वां याजयिष्यति॥
We have been fatigued by assisting you (at your sacrifices). We are tried in consequence of this labour; therefore, you should give us leave (to go away). O sinless one, from your loss of judgement only you cannot wait. Go to Rudra (Shiva); he will assist you at your sacrifice."

साधिक्षेपं वचः श्रुत्वा संक्रुद्धः श्वेतकिर्नृपः। कैलास पर्वतं गत्वा तप उग्रं समास्थितः॥ आराधयन् महादेवं नियतः संशितव्रतः। उपवासपरो राजन् दीर्घकालमतिष्ठत॥
Having heard these words of censure and wrath, the king Shvetaki became angry. Going to the Kailasa mountain, he begin to worship the God (Shiva), observing rigid vows and performing austere penances. Giving up all food, he passed many years.

कदाचिद् द्वादशे काले कदाचिदपि षोडशे। आहारमकरोद् राजा मूलानि च फलानि च॥
He only ate fruits and roots sometimes at the twelfth and sometimes at the sixteenth hour of the day.

ऊर्ध्वबाहुस्त्वनिमिषस्तिष्ठन् स्थाणुरिवाचलः। षण्मासानभवद् राजा श्वेतकिः सुसमाहितः॥
He stood like the trunk of a tree. For six months with upraised arms and eyes fixed, the king performed the severest penances there (on the Kailasa mountain).

तं तथा नृपशार्दूलं तप्यमानं महत् तपः। शंकरः परमप्रीत्या दर्शयामास भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, Shankara (Shiva) was greatly pleased; and he at last appeared before him.

उवाच चैनं भगवान् स्निग्धगम्भीरया गिरा। प्रीतोऽस्मि नरशार्दूल तपसा ते परंतप॥
He said," O chastiser of foes, O best of men, I have been much pleased with your asceticism.

वरं वृणीष्व भद्रं ते यं त्वमिच्छसि पार्थिव। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं रुद्रस्यामिततेजसः॥
O king, now ask the boon you desire," Hearing these words of the immeasurably effulgent Rudra (Shiva). The royal sage bowed to him and thus replied to him,

प्रणिपत्य महात्मानं राजर्षिः प्रत्यभाषत। यदि मे भगवान् प्रीतः सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः॥ स्वयं मां देवदेवेश याजयस्व सुरेश्वर। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं राज्ञा तेन प्रभाषितम्॥
"O illustrious one, O chief of the celestial, O god of gods, if you are pleased with me, assist me then in my sacrifices.” Having heard these words of the king, the deity was pleased and smilingly replied,

उवाच भगवान् प्रीतः स्मितपूर्वमिदं वचः। नास्माकमेष विषयो वर्तते याजनं प्रति॥ त्वया च सुमहत् तप्तं तपो राजन् वरार्थिना। याजयिष्यामि राजांस्त्वां समयेन परंपत॥
"We ourselves do not assist at scarifics. But O king, O chastiser of foes, as you have undergone the severest of penances with the desire of obtaining a boon, I shall assist you at your sacrifice on this condition.

रुद्र उवाच समा द्वादश राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। सततं त्वाज्यधाराभिर्यदि तर्पयसेऽनलम्॥ कामं प्रार्थयसे यं त्वं मत्तः प्राप्स्यसि तं नृप।
Rudra said: O king of kings, if for full twelve years you can incessantly pour libations of ghee into the sacrificial fire, you yourself leading all the while the life of a Brahmachari. Then, o king, you can obtain me, for the purpose for which you ask me."

एवमुक्तश्च रुद्रेण श्वेतकिर्मनुजाधिपः॥ तथा चकार तत् सर्वं यथोक्तं शूलपाणिना। पूर्णे तु द्वादशे वर्षे पुनरायान्महेश्वरः॥
Having been thus addressed by Rudra, the king Shvetaki did what he was asked to do by the wielder of Shula (Shiva). When twelve years were completed, he again came to Maheshwara (Shiva).

दृष्ट्वैव च स राजानं शंकरो लोकभावनः। उवाच परमप्रीतः श्वेतकिं नृपसत्तमम्॥
On seeing the king and being much pleased with him, the creator of the world Shankara (Shiva) spoke thus to that best of monarchs, Shvetaki.

तोषितोऽहं नृपश्रेष्ठ त्वयेहाद्येन कर्मणा। याजनं ब्राह्मणानां तु विधिदृष्टं परंतप॥
"O best of kings, I have been pleased with your (great) act. O chastiser of foes, the duty of assisting at scarifies belongs to the Brahmanas.

अतोऽहं त्वां स्वयं नाद्य याजयामि परंतय। ममांशस्तु क्षितितले महाभागो द्विजोत्तमः॥
O chastiser of foes, therefore, I shall not myself assist you at your sacrifice today. There is one earth a greatly illustrious and best of Brahmanas who is a portion of my own self.

दुर्वासा इति विख्यातः स हि त्वां याजयिष्यति। मन्नियोगान्महातेजाः सम्भाराः सम्भ्रियन्तु ते॥
He is known by the name of Durvasa. He will assist you at your sacrifice. He is endued with ascetic powers, he will assist you. Therefore, let every preparation be made (by you)".

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं रुद्रेण समुदाहृतम्। स्वपुरं पुनरागम्य सम्भारान् पुनरार्जयत्॥
Having heard these words of Rudra, the king returned to his capital and begin to collect all that were necessary for his sacrifice.

ततः सम्भृतसम्भारो भूयो रुद्रमुपागमत्। सम्भृता मम सम्भारा: सर्वोपकरणानि च॥ त्वत्प्रसादान्महादेव श्वो मे दीक्षा भवेदिति। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं तस्य राज्ञो महात्मनः॥ दुर्वाससं समाहूय रुद्रो वचनमब्रवीत्। एष राजा महाभागः श्वेतकिर्द्विजसत्तम॥ एनं याजय विप्रेन्द्र मन्नियोगेन भूमिपम्। बाढमित्येव वचनं रुद्रं त्वृषिरुवाच ह॥
When every thing had been collected, the king again appeared before Shankara and said, “Every necessary things has been collected. And through your grace all my preparations are ready. O god of gods, let me, therefore be installed in the sacrifices tomorrow.” Having heard these words of the illustrious king. Rudra summoned Durvasa and spoke to him thus, O best of Brahmanas, this is the high-souled king Shvetaki. O chief of Brahmanas assist him at his sacrifice at my command." The Rishi said to Rudra, “Be it so."

ततः सत्रं समभवत् तस्य राज्ञो महात्मनः। यथाविधिः यथाकालं यथोक्तं बहुदक्षिणम्॥
Thereupon the sacrifice for which the illustrious king made preparations who performed according to the ordinance, at the proper season and a with large amount of Dakshinas.

तस्मिन् परिसमाप्ते तु राज्ञः सत्रे महात्मनः। दुर्वाससाभ्यनुज्ञाता विप्रतस्थुः स्म याजकः॥ ये तत्र दीक्षिताः सर्वे सदस्याश्च महौजसः। सोऽपि राजन् महाभागः स्वपुरं प्राविशत् तदा॥
When the sacrifice of that illustrious king came to an end, all the other priests that assisted at it went away with the permission of Durvasa. All other greatly effulgent Sadasyas also, who had been installed in that sacrifice, went away. O king, then that high-souled (royal sage) entered his own palace.

पूज्यमानो महाभागैाह्मणैर्वेदपारगैः। वन्दिभिः स्तूयमानश्च नागरैश्चाभिनन्दितः॥
The Brahmanas well-versed in the Vedas adorned him and singers praised him. The people of the city welcomed him.

एवंवृत्तः स राजर्षिः श्वेतकिर्नृपसत्तमः। कालेन महता चापि ययौ स्वर्गमभिष्टुतः॥ ऋत्विग्भिः सहितः सर्वैः सदस्यैश्च समन्वितः। तस्य सत्रे पपौ वह्निर्हविदश वत्सरान्॥
The great king Shvetaki was always righteous. After a long time, adorning by all, he went to the herven accompanied by all members and Ritvijas of the sacrifice. Agni drank ghee for twelve years in his sacrifice.

सततं चाज्यधाराभिरैकात्म्ये तत्र कर्मणि। हविषा च ततो वह्निः परां तृप्तिमगच्छत॥
In that unique sacrifice Agni drank large quantity of Ghee, which provided him enormous satisfaction.

न चैच्छत् पुनरादातुं हविरन्यस्य कस्यचित्। पाण्डुवर्णो विवर्णश्च न यथावत् प्रकाशते॥
Now, he had no desire to take more oblation from others. Thereupon the illustrious Agni became pale, (because he drank a very large quantity of ghee in that sacrifice). He could not shine as before.

ततो भगवतो वह्नर्विकारः समजायत। तेजसा विप्रहीणश्च ग्लानिश्चैनं समाविशत्॥
Then the lord Agni brought some mistransformations in his stomach. Being lusterless he felt hatred.

स लक्षयित्वा चात्मानं तेजोहीनं हुताशनः। जगाम सदनं पुण्यं ब्रह्मणो लोकपूजितम्॥
Seeing himself pale, Agni went to the sacred abode of Brahma ever adorned by all.

तत्र ब्रह्माणमासीनमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। भगवन् परमा प्रीतिः कृता मे श्वेतकेतुना॥ अरुचिश्चाभवत् तीव्रा तां न शक्नोभ्यपोहितुम्। तेजसा विप्रहीणोऽस्मि बलेन च जगत्पते॥ इच्छेय त्वत्प्रसादेन स्वात्मनः प्रकृति स्थिराम्।
Coming to Brahma seated (on his throne), he spoke to him thus, King Svetaki satisfied me by his sacrifice. O lord of the universe, I am reduced both in splendour and strength. I desire to regain my own permanent nature through your grade."

एतच्छ्रुत्वा हुतवहाद् भगवान् सर्वलोककृत॥ हव्यवाहमिदं वाक्यमुवाच प्रहसन्निव। त्वया द्वादश वर्षाणि वसोर्धाराहुतं हविः॥ उपयुक्तं महाभाग तेन त्वां ग्लानिराविशत्। तेजसा विप्रहीणत्वात् सहसा हव्यवाहन॥ मा गमस्त्वं यथा वह्ने प्रकृतिस्थो भविष्यसि। अरुचिं नाशयिष्येऽहं समयं प्रतिपद्य ते॥
Having heard these words of Agni, the illustrious creator of all the worlds. Smilingly thus spoke to Agni, “You have drunk continuously for twelve years a very large quantity of ghee poured into your mouth. O exalted Deity, it is for this you have been affected with illness. O Agni, you have, therefore, suddenly lost both your splendour strength. O Agni, do not grieve for it. You shall soon regain your own nature. I shall dispel you this malady.

पुरा देवनियोगेन यत् त्वया भस्मसात् कृतम्। आलयं देवशत्रूणां सुघोरं खाण्डवं वनम्॥ तत्र सर्वाणि सत्त्वानि निवसन्ति विभावसो। तेषां त्वं मेदसा तृप्तः प्रकृतिस्थो भविष्यसि॥
O Agni, the abode of the enemies of the celestial, the fearful forest of Khandava, which at the request of the celestial you reduced to washes in the days of yorc has again been filled with numerous creatures. When you will eat the fat of all those creatures (now living in the Khandava), you will then regain your own nature.

गच्छ शीघ्रं प्रदग्धुं त्वं ततो मोक्ष्यसि किल्बिषात्। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं परमेष्ठिमुखाच्च्युतम्॥ उत्तमं जवमास्थाय प्रदुद्राव हुताशनः। आगम्य खाण्डवं दावमुत्तमं वीर्यमास्थितः। सहसा प्राज्वलच्चाग्निः क्रुद्धो वायुसमीरितः॥
Go there soon to consume it with all its living creatures. You will then certainly be cured of your malady." Having heard these words that were uttered by the Supreme Deity, Agni proceeded with great speed (towards that great forest). Arriving at the fearful Khandava forest in full vigour, he suddenly blazed up with the help of the wind.

प्रदीप्तं खाण्डवं दृष्ट्वा ये स्युस्तत्र निवासिनः। परमं यत्नमातिष्ठन् पावकस्य प्रशान्तये॥
Seeing the Khandava on fire, the dwellers of that forest made great efforts to extinguish it.

करैस्तु करिणः शीघ्रं जलमादाय सत्वराः। सिषिचुः पावकं क्रुद्धाः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Hundreds and thousands of elephants speedily brought water in their trunks and they scattered it over the fire in great wrath.

बहुशीर्षास्ततो नागाः शिरोभिर्जलसंततिम्। मुमुचुः पावकाभ्याशे सत्वराः क्रोधमूर्च्छिताः॥
Many-headed snakes, becoming mad with anger, speedily scattered on the fire water from their many hoods.

तथैवान्यानि सत्त्वानि नानाप्रहरणोद्यमैः। विलयं पावकं शीघ्रमनयन् भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, they and the other creatures that lived in that forest soon extinguished the fire by various means and efforts.

अनेन तु प्रकारेण भूयो भूयश्च प्रज्वलन्। सप्तकृत्वः प्रशमितः खाण्डवे हव्यवाहनः॥
Thus Agni blazed forth again and again in the Khandava (forest), but the blazing fire was again and again extinguished by the dwellers of that forest.