Appointment of Dhaumya

अर्जुन उवाच अस्माकमनुरूपो वै यः स्याद् गन्धर्व वेदवित्। पुरोहितस्तमाचक्ष्व सर्वं हि विदितं तव॥
Arjuna said : O Gandharva, you are acquainted with every thing. Tell us therefore what Vedaknowing Brahmana is fit, to be appointed as our priest?

गन्धर्व उवाच यवीयान् देवलस्यैष वने भ्राता तपस्यति। धौम्य उत्कोचके तीर्थे वृणुध्वं यदीच्छथ॥
The Gandharva said: There is a shrine in this forest, it is called Utkochaka. The younger brother of Devala, Dhaumya, is engaged there in ascetic penances. If you desire, you can appoint him as priest.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततोऽर्जुनोऽस्त्रमाग्नेयं प्रददौ तद् यथाविधि। गन्धर्वाय तदा प्रीतो वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said : Then Arjuna, being highly pleased, gave the Gandharva his fire-weapon with due ceremonials; and he thus spoke to him,

त्वय्येव तावत् तिष्ठन्तु हया गन्धर्वसत्तम। कार्यकाले ग्रहीष्यामः स्वस्ति तेऽस्त्विति चाब्रवीत्।।४।
"O best of the Gandharvas, let the horses you give us remain with you for sometime. When the time will come, we shall take them from you. Then he said to him, “Be blessed” "Be blessed."

तेऽन्योन्यमभिसम्पूज्य गन्धर्वः पाण्डवाश्च ह। रम्याद् भागीरथीतीराद् यथाकामं प्रतस्थिरे॥
Then the Gandharva and the Pandavas, respectfully saluting one another, left the charming banks of the Bhagirathi and went away wherever they liked.

तत उत्कोचकं तीर्थं गत्वा धौम्याश्रमं तु ते। तं वत्रुः पाण्डवा धौम्यं पौरोहित्याय भारत॥
Thereupon, O descendant of Bharata, the Pandavas went to the shrine of Utkochaka and to the hermitage of Dhaumya. They them installed Dhaumya as their priest.

तान् धौम्यः प्रतिजग्राह सर्ववेदविदां वरः। वन्येन फलमूलेन पौरोहित्येन चैव ह॥
Dhaumya, the foremost of all men learned in the Vedas, received them with the offerings of wild fruits and roots and consented to be their priest.

ते समाशंसिरे लब्धां श्रियं राज्यं च पाण्डवाः। ब्राह्मणं तं पुरस्कृत्य पाञ्चालीं च स्वयंवरे॥ पुरोहितेन तेनाथ गुरुणा संगतास्तदा। नाथवन्तमिवात्मानं मेनिरे भरतर्षभाः॥
Having obtained that Brahmana as their priest, the Pandavas with their mother, constituting the sixth of the Party, thought their wealth and kingdom had been already regained and the daughter of the Panchala king already obtained in the Svaimvara. Those best of the Bharata race, having obtained the preceptor Dhaumya as their priest, considered themselves as placed under a protector.

स हि वेदार्थतत्त्वज्ञस्तेषां गुरुरुदारधीः। तेन धर्मविदा पार्था याज्या धर्मविदः कृताः॥
The preceptor (Dhaumya) was acquainted with the mystery of the Vedas; he was liberal minded, he made the virtue and all-knowing sons of Pritha his spiritual disciples.

वीरांस्तुसहितान् मेने प्राप्तराज्यान् स्वधर्मतः। बुद्धिवीर्यबलोत्साहैर्युक्तान् देवानिव द्विजः॥
That Brahmana, seeing those heroes endued with intelligence, strength and perseverance like the celestials, considered that they were already restored to their wealth and sovereignty by virtue of their own accomplishments.

कृतस्वस्त्ययनास्तेन ततस्ते मनुजाधिपाः। मेनिरे सहिता गन्तुं पाञ्चाल्यास्तं स्वयंवरम्॥
Benedictions having been uttered on them by that Brahmana, those kings of men resolved to go with him to the Svaimvara in the country of the Panchalas.