History of Aurva

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमुक्तः स विप्रर्षिर्वसिष्ठेन महात्मना। न्ययच्छदात्मनः क्रोधं सर्वलोकपराभवात्॥
The Gandharva said : Having been thus addressed by the illustrious Vasishtha, the Brahmana Rishi (Parashara) controlled his word destroying wrath.

ईजे च स महातेजाः सर्ववेदविदां वरः। ऋषी राक्षससत्रेण शाक्तेयोऽथ पराशरः॥
But the greatly effulgent Parashara, the son of Shakti, the foremost of all persons learned in the Vedas, performed a great Rakshasas sacrifice.

ततो वृद्धांश्च बालांश्च राक्षसान् स महामुनिः। ददाह वितते यज्ञे शक्तेर्वधमनुस्मरन्॥
Remembering the slaughter of Shakti, the great Rishi began to consume the Rakshasas, young and old, in the sacrifice that he performed.

न हि तं वारयामास वसिष्ठो रक्षसां वधात्। द्वितीयामस्य मा भाक्षं प्रतिज्ञामिति निश्चयात्॥
Vasishtha from his desire of not obstructing this second vow (of his grandson) did not prevent him from destroying the Rakshasas.

त्रयाणां पावकानां च सत्रे तस्मिन् महामुनिः। आसीत् पुरस्ताद् दीप्तानां चतुर्थ इव पावकः॥
The great Rishi (Parashara) sat in that sacrifice before three blazing fires, himself looking a fourth fire.

तेन यज्ञेन शुभ्रेण हूयमानेन शक्तिजः। तद्विदीपितमाकाशं सूर्येणेव धनात्यये॥
Like the sun emerged from the clouds, the firmament was illuminated by that stainless sacrifice in which large were the libation of ghee poured.

तं वसिष्ठादयः सर्वे मुनयस्तत्र मेनिरे। तेजसा दीप्यमानं वै द्वितीयमिव भास्करम्॥
Then Vasishtha and the other Rishis regarded that Rishi, blazing with his own energy, as if he were a second sun.

ततः परमदुष्प्रापमन्यैर्ऋषिरुदारधीः। समापिपयिषुः सत्रं तमत्रिः समुपागमत्॥
Then the great and the liberal-minded Rishi Atri came to that place with the desire of ending that sacrifice, a highly difficult act for any others.

तथा पुलस्त्यः पुलहः क्रतुश्चैव महाक्रतुः। तत्राजग्मुरमित्रघ्न रक्षसां जीवितेप्सया॥
O chastiser of foes, there also came Pulaha, Kratu and Mahakratu with the desire of saving the Rakshasas.

पुलस्त्यस्तु वधात् तेषां रक्षसां भरतर्षभ। उवाचेदं वचः पार्थ पराशरमरिंदमम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, O Partha, seeing that many Rakshasas had been already killed, Pulastya spoke thus to that chastiser of foes, Parashara,

कच्चित् तातापविलं ते कच्चिन्नन्दसि पुत्रक। अजानतामदोषाणां सर्वेषां रक्षसां वधात्॥
“O child, I hope there is no obstruction to your this sacrifice. Do you take, Pleasure, O child, in destroying the Rakshasas who know nothing of your father's death.

प्रजोच्छेदमिमं मह्यं न हि कर्तुं त्वमर्हसि। नैष तात द्विजातीनां धर्मो दृष्टस्तपस्विनाम्॥
You should not thus destroy all creatures. O sun, it is not a (proper) act for the Brahmanas devoted to asceticism.

शम एव परो धर्मस्तमाचर पराशर। अधर्मिष्ठं वरिष्ठः सन् कुरुषे त्वं पराशर॥
O Parashara, peace is the highest virtue; therefore practice peace. O Parashara, being such a superior man, you (should not) consider sinful acts to be for your good.

शक्तिं चापि हि धर्मज्ञं नातिक्रान्तुमिहार्हसि। प्रजायाश्च ममोच्छेदं न चैवं कर्तुमर्हसि॥
You should not transgress against Shakti who was learned in all the precepts of religion. You should not exterminate my creatures.

शापाद्वि शक्तेर्वासिष्ठ तदा तदुपपादितम्। आत्मजेन स दोषेण शक्तिति इतो दिवम्॥
O son of Vasishtha, what befell your father all came upon him on account of his own curse. It was for his own fault that Shakti was taken to haven.

न हि तं राक्षसः कश्चिच्छक्तो भक्षयितुं मुने। आत्मनैवात्मनस्तेन दृष्टो मृत्युस्तदाभवत्॥
O Rishi, on Rakshasas was capable of devouring him; he himself provided for his death.

निमित्तभूतस्तत्रासीद् विश्वामित्रः पराशर। राजा कल्माषपादश्च दिवमारुह मोदते॥
O Parashara, Vishvamitra was mere an instrument in that matter. The king Kalmashapada, also ascending heaven, enjoy great happiness.

ये च शक्त्यवराः पुत्रा वसिष्ठस्य महामुने। ते च सर्वे मुदा युक्ता मोदन्ते सहिताः सुरैः॥
Shakti and other sons of the great Rishi Vasishtha are all even now in great happiness enjoying themselves with the celestials.

सर्वमेतद् वसिष्ठस्य विदितं वै महामुने। रक्षसां च समुच्छेद एष तात तपस्विनाम्॥ निमित्तभूतस्त्वं चात्र क्रतौ वासिष्ठनन्दन। तत् सत्रं मुञ्च भद्रं ते समाप्तमिदमस्तु ते॥
O great Rishi, all this was known to Vasishtha. O child, O grandson of Vasishtha, you have been in this sacrifice only an instrument in the destruction of those innocent Rakshasas. Be blessed. Give up this sacrifice. Let it come to an end.

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमुक्तः पुलस्त्येन वसिष्ठेन च धीमता। तदा समापयामास सत्रं शाक्तो महामुनिः॥
The Gandharva said : Having been thus addressed by Pulastya and the intelligent Vasishtha, the great Rishi, the son of Shakti (Parashara), brought that sacrifice to an end.

सर्वराक्षससत्राय सम्भृतं पावकं तदा। उत्तरे हिमवत्पार्श्वे उत्ससर्ज महावने॥
He (Parashara) threw away the fire that was kindled for the Rakshasas-sacrifice into the great forest on the north of the Himalayas.

स तत्राद्यापि रक्षांसि वृक्षानश्मन एव च। भक्षयन् दृश्यते वह्निः सदा पर्वणि पर्वणि॥
There that fire may be seen to this day, always devouring in all seasons the Rakshasas, trees and stones.