Defeat of Vishvamitra

अर्जुन उवाच किंनिमित्तमभूद वैरं विश्वामित्रवसिष्ठयोः। वसतोराश्रमे दिव्ये शंस नः सर्वमेव तत्॥
Arjuna said: How the hostility between Vishvamitra and Vasishtha, both of whom lived in celestials hermitages? Tell us all this in detail. arose

गन्धर्व उवाच इदं वासिष्ठमाख्यानं पुराणं परिचक्षते। पार्थं सर्वेषु लोकेषु यथावत् तन्निबोध मे॥
The Gandharva said : O Partha, this history of Vasishtha is considered as a Purana in all the worlds. Listen to me as I recite it in detail.

कान्यकुब्जे महानासीत् पार्थिवो भरतर्षभ। गाधीति विश्रुतो लोके कुशिकस्यात्मसम्भवः॥
O best of the Bharata race, there was a great king in Kanyakubja; known in the world by the name of Gadhi, he was the son of Kushika.

तस्य धर्मात्मनः पुत्रः समृद्धबलवाहनः। विश्वामित्र इति ख्यातो बभूव रिपुमर्दनः॥
His son was know by the name of Vishvamitra. That chastiser of foes, Vishvamitra, was virtuous-minded; and he had a large army of troop and beasts of burdens.

स चचार सहामात्यो मृगयां गहने वने। मृगान् विध्यन् वराहांश्च रम्येषु मरुधन्वसु॥
He wandered with his ministers in the deep forest for the purpose of hunting Killing deer and boars, he roamed through the charming marshes.

व्यायामकर्शितः सोऽथ मृगलिप्सुः पिपासितः। आजगाम नरश्रेष्ठ वसिष्ठस्याश्रमं प्रति॥
Being (one day) fatigued and thirsty by the exercise of the hunt that best of men, came to the hermitage of Vasishtha.

तमागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य वसिष्ठः श्रेष्ठभागृषिः। विश्वामित्रं नरश्रेष्ठं प्रतिजग्राह पूजया॥
Seeing him coming, the illustrious and blessed Rishi, Vasishtha, advanced to salute that best of men, Vishvamitra.

पाद्यार्थ्याचमनीयैस्तं स्वागतेन च भारत। तथैव परिजग्राह वन्येन हविषा तदा॥
O descendant of Bharata, he (Vasishtha) worshipped him (Vishvamitra) by asking his welfare, by offering Arghya and water to wash his face and feet and by collected forest fruits and ghee.

तस्याथ कामधुग् धेनुर्वसिष्ठस्य महात्मनः। उक्ता कामान् प्रयच्छेति सा कामान् दुह्यते सदा॥
The illustrious Rishi had a Kamadhenu, (a cow yielding every thing as desired.) when she was addressed by saying "Give” she always gave what was desired.

ग्राम्यारण्याश्चौषधीश्च दुदुहे पय एव च। षड्रसं चामृतनिभं रसायनमनुत्तमम्॥ भोजनीयानि पेयानि भक्ष्याणि विविधानि च। लेह्यान्यमृतकल्पानि चोप्याणि च तथार्जुन॥ रत्नानि च महार्हाणि वासांसि विविधानि च। तैः कामैः सर्वसम्पूर्णैः पूजितश्च महीपतिः॥ सामात्यः सबलश्चैव तुतोष स भृशं तदा।
O Arjuna, the Rishi received from her various wild fruits and grown corn of gardens and fields, milk, many excellent nutritious was viands filled with six different kinds of juice which was like ambrosia itself, various other kinds of enjoyable things of ambrosial taste, things for drinking and eating, for lapping and sucking and many precious gems and various costly robes. With these desirable objects in profusion, the king (Vishvamitra) worshipped. And he with his ministers and troops was became exceedingly glad.

षडुन्नतां सुपा.सं पृथुपञ्चसमावृताम्॥ मण्डूकनेत्रा स्वाकारां पीनोधसमनिन्दिताम्। सुबालधिं शकुकर्णां चारुशृङ्गां मनोरमाम्॥
He (Vishvamitra) became very much astonished to see that cow which had six elevated limbs, beautiful flanks and hips, fine broad limbs, limbs, frog-like prominent eyes, beautiful size, high udders, faultless make, straight and up-lifted ears, handsome horns and well-developed head and neck.

पुष्टायतशिरोग्रीवां विस्मितः सोऽभिवीक्ष्य ताम्। अभिनन्द्य स तां राजा नन्दिनी गाधिनन्दनः॥
O prince, that king, the son of Gadhi, was exceedingly gratified with all that he saw and very much praising (the cow) Nandini he thus spoke to the Rishi (Vasishtha),

अब्रवीच्च भृशं तुष्टः स राजा तमृषि तदा। अर्बुदेन गवां ब्रह्मन् मम राज्येन वा पुनः॥ नन्दिनी सम्प्रयच्छस्व भुक्ष्व राज्यं महामुने।
"O Brahmana, O great Rishi, give me (your) Nandini (cow) in exchange of ten thousand kine, or of my kingdom. Give her to me and enjoy my kingdom.

वसिष्ठ उवाच देवतातिथिपित्रर्थं याज्यार्थं च पयस्विनी॥ अदेया नन्दिनीयं वै राज्येनापि तवानघ।
Vasishtha said: O sinless one, this milk-giving cow is kept by me for the purposes of the celestials, the Pitris and the guests and for my scarifies. Nandini cannot he given to you) in exchange of even your kingdom.

विश्वामित्र उवाच क्षत्रियोऽहं भवान् विप्रस्तपस्स्वाध्यायसाधनः॥ ब्राह्मणेषु कुतो वीर्यं प्रशान्तेषु धृतात्मसु।
Vishvamitra said : I am a Kshatriya and your respected self is a Brahmana devoted to study and asceticism. Is there prowess in Brahmanas who are peaceful and have their souls under control?

अर्बुदेन गवां यसत्वं न ददासि ममेप्सितम्॥ स्वधर्मं न प्रहास्यामि नेष्यामि च बलेन गाम्।
When you do not give me what I desire to have in exchange of ten thousand kine, I shall not abandon the duty of my race (that of the Kshatriya). I will take your cow by force.

वसिष्ठ उवाच बलस्थश्चासि राजा च बाहुवीर्यश्च क्षत्रियः॥ यथेच्छसि तथा क्षिप्रं कुरु मा त्वं विचारय।
Vasishtha said: You are a powerful king, you are a Kshatriya possessing great strength of arms; do what you desire without delay and without stopping to consider over it.

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमुक्तस्तथा पार्थ विश्वामित्रो बलादिव॥ हंसचन्द्रप्रतीकाशां नन्दिनीं तां जहार गाम्।
The Gandharva said: O Partha, having been thus addressed, Vishvamitra then sized the cow Nandini as white as the swan or the moon.

कशादण्डप्रणुदितां काल्यमानामितस्ततः॥ हम्भायमाना कल्याणी वसिष्ठस्याथ नन्दिनी।
He dragged her hither and thither and afflicted her by striking her with a stick. The blessed Nandini cried piteously and came near Vasishtha.

आगम्याभिमुखी पार्थ तस्थौ भगवदुन्मुखी॥ भृशं च ताड्यमाना वै न जगामाश्रमात् ततः।
O Partha, she stood near him with up-lifted face staring at the illustrious Rishi. Though very much ill-treated, she did not quit the Rishi's hermitage.

वसिष्ठ उवाच शृणोमि ते रवं भद्रे विनदन्त्याः पुनः पुनः॥ ह्रियसे त्वं बलाद् भद्रे विश्वामित्रेण नन्दिनि। किं कर्तव्यं मया तत्र क्षमावान् ब्राह्मणो ह्यहम्॥
Vasishtha said: O amiable Nandini, you are crying again and again and I hear your cries. But Vishvamitra is taking you away by force; what can I do? I am a forgiving Brahmana.

गन्धर्व उवाच सा भयान्नन्दिनी तेषां बलानां भरतर्षभ। विश्वामित्रभयोद्विग्ना वसिष्ठं समुपागमत्॥
The Gandharva said : O best of the Bharata race, being alarmed at the sight of Vishvamitra's troops and being terrified by Vishvamitra himself, Nandini came closer to Vasishtha.

गौरुवाच कशाग्रदण्डाभिहतां क्रोशन्ती मामनाथवत्। विश्वामित्रवलैोरैर्भगवन् किमुपेक्षसे॥
Nandini said: O illustrious Sir, I am afflicted by the : stripes of the fearful troops of Vishvamitra I am crying piteously like one who has none; why are you so indifferent to me?

गन्धर्व उवाच नन्दिन्यामेवं क्रन्दन्त्यां धर्षितायां महामुनिः। न चुक्षुभे तदा धैर्यान्न चचाल धृतव्रतः॥
The Gandharva said : The great Rishi did not lose his patience, nor did he depart from his vow of forgiveness on hearing the words of the crying and persecuted Nandini.

वसिष्ठ उवाच क्षत्रियाणां बलं तेजो ब्राह्मणानां क्षमा बलम्। क्षमा मां भजते यस्माद् गम्यतां यदि रोचते॥
Vasishtha said : The might of the Kshatriyas lies in their physical strength, that of the Brahmanas lies in their forgiveness. I cannot give up forgiveness. If you like, you can go.

नु नन्दिन्युवाच कि त्यक्तास्मि भगवन् यदेवं त्वं प्रभाषसे। अत्यक्ताहं त्वया ब्रह्मन् नेतुं शक्या न वै बलात्॥
Nandini said : O illustrious Sir, have you abandoned me that you say so? O Brahmana, if you do not abandon me, I cannot be taken away by force.

वसिष्ठ उवाच न त्वां त्यजामि कल्याणि स्थीयतां यदि शक्यते। दृढेन दाम्ना बद्धवैष वत्सस्ते ह्रियते बलात्॥
Vasishtha said : O blessed one, I do not abandon you. Stay if you can. Your calf, tied with a strong rope, is (even now) being carried away by force.

गन्धर्व उवाच स्थायतामिति तच्छुत्वा वसिष्ठस्य पयस्विनी। अाञ्चितशिरोग्रीवा प्रबभौ रौद्रदर्शना॥
The Gandharva said : Having heard the word 'Stay,' that cow of Vasishtha (Nandini) raised up her head and neck and became fearful to look at.

क्रोधरक्तेक्षणा सा गौहम्भारवधनस्वना। विश्वामित्रस्य तत् सैन्यं व्यद्रावयत सर्वशः॥
With eyes red in anger and with repeated roars, she then attacked Vishvamitra's troop on all sides.

कशाग्रदण्डाभिहता काल्यमाना ततस्ततः। क्रोधरक्तेक्षणा क्रोधं भूय एव समादद॥
Afflicted with their stripes and being dragged hither and thither, her anger (doubly) ! increased and her eyes became red in wrath.

आदित्य इव मध्याह्ने क्रोधदीप्तवपुर्बभौ। अङ्गारवर्षं मुञ्चन्ती मुहुर्बालधितो महत्॥
Blazing in anger, she soon become fearful to look at as the sun at mid day. She began incessantly to shower burning coals from her tail.

असृजत् पह्लवान् पुच्छात् प्रस्रवाद् द्रविडाञ्छकान्। योनिदेशाच्च यवनान् शकृतः शबरान् बहून्॥
A few moments after she brought forth from her tail an army of Palhavas, from her udders an army of Dravidas and Shakas, from her womb an army of Yavanas, from her dung an army of Shabaras.

मूत्रतश्चासृजत् कांश्चिच्छबरांश्चैव पार्श्वत:। पौण्ड्रान् किरातान् यवनान् सिंहलान् बर्बरान् खसान्॥ चिबुकांश्च पुलिन्दांश्च चीनान् हूणान् सकेरलान्। ससर्ज फेनतः सा गौम्लेंच्छान् बहुविधानायि॥
From her urine an army of Kanchis and from her sides an army of Saravanas; and from the froth of her mouth that cow created hosts of Kiratas, Yavanas, Singhalas, Barbaras, Chibuakas, Pulindas, Chinas, Hunas and Keralas and many other Mlecchas.

तैर्विसृष्टर्महासैन्यैर्नानाम्लेच्छगणैस्तदा। नानावरणसंच्छन्नैर्नानायुधधरैस्तथा॥ अवाकीर्यत संरब्धैर्विश्वामित्रस्य पश्यतः। एकैकश्च तदा योधः पञ्चभिः सप्तभिर्वृतः॥
Those large armies of Mlecchas, cloud in various uniforms and armed with various weapons, as soon as they sprang into life, spre Ading all around attacked before his very sight the troops of Vishvamitra, five or seven attacking one.

अस्त्रवर्षेण महता वध्यमानं बलं तदा। प्रभग्नं सर्वतस्त्रस्तं विश्वामित्रस्य पश्यतः॥
Assailed with a great shower of weapons, Vishvamitra's troops before his very sight broke and fled panic stricken in all directions.

न च प्राणैर्वियुज्यन्ते केचित् तत्रास्य सैनिकाः। विश्वामित्रस्य संक्रुद्धैर्वासिष्ठैर्भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, though greatly excited with anger, the troops of Vasishtha did not take the life of any of Vishvamitra's troops.

सा गौस्तत् सकलं सैन्यं कालयामास दूरतः। विश्वामित्रस्य तत् सैन्यं काल्यमानं त्रियोजनम्॥
That cow (Nandini) simply drove the troops (of Vishvamitra) to a distance. Being thus driven full seventy seven miles, the troops of Vishvamitra,

क्रोशमानं भयोद्विग्नं त्रातारं नाध्यगच्छत। दृष्ट्वा तन्महदाश्चर्यं ब्रह्मतेजोभवे तदा॥
Becoming panic-stricken, cried aloud and did see none who could protect them. Seeing this great and wonderful feat of the Brahma might,

विश्वामित्रः क्षत्रभावानिर्विण्णो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। धिग् बलं क्षत्रियबलं ब्रह्मतेजोबलं बलम्॥
Vishvamitra become disgusted with the Kshatriya might and spoke thus, "Fie on the Kshatriya prowess? The Brahma might is the true might.

बलाबलं विनिश्चित्य तप एव परं बलम्। स राज्यं स्फीतमुत्सृज्यां तां च दीप्तां नृपश्रियम्॥
In judging of strength and weakness, I see asceticism is true strength.” Thereupon that best of kings abandoning his kingdom and regal splendour,

भोगांश्च पृष्ठतः कृत्वा तपस्येव मनो दधे। स गत्वा तपसा सिद्धिं लोकान् विष्टभ्य तेजसा॥
And turning his back on all pleasures, set his mind on asceticism, he filled the world with his effulgence.

तताप सर्वान् दीप्तौजा ब्राह्मणत्वमवाप्तवान्। अपिबच्च ततः सोममिन्द्रेण सह कौशिकः॥
Afflicted all with his effulgence, he became a Brahmana. The son of Kushika, (Vishvamitra) at last drank the Soma (ambrosia) with Indra himself.