-Contd. History of Tapati

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमुक्त्वा ततस्तूर्णं जगामोर्ध्वमनिन्दिता। स तु राजा पुनर्भूमौ तत्रैव निपपात ह॥
The Gandharva said : Having said this, that faultless (maiden) soon ascended the skies; on this the king again fell down on the ground.

अन्वेषमाणः सबलस्तं राजानं नृपोत्तमम्। अमात्यः सानुयात्रश्च तं ददर्श महावने॥
In searching that best of kings, that monarch's ministers and attendants saw him there in that state in the great forest.

क्षितौ निपतितं काले शक्रध्वजमिवोच्छ्रितम्। तं हि दृष्टवा महेष्वासं निरस्तं पतितं भुवि॥ बभूव सोऽस्य सचिवः सम्प्रदीप्त इवाग्निना। त्वरया चोपसंगम्य स्नेहादागतसम्भ्रमः॥
Seeing that excellent king, that great bowman, lying forsaken on the ground like a rain bow dropped from the sky, his chief minister became like one brunt by a flame of fire. Coming hastily to him with affection and respect,

तं समुत्थापयामास नृपतिं काममोहितम्। भूतलाद् भूमिपालेशं पितेव पतितं सुतम्॥
As a father rises up the son fallen (on the ground) he raised up the king, lying senseless on the ground having been deprived of his senses by desire.

प्रज्ञया वयसा चैव वृद्धः कीर्त्या नयेन च। अमात्यस्तं समुत्थाप्य बभूव विगतज्वरः॥
Old the wisdom as in age and in achievements as in policy, the minister became easy of mind when he raised him up.

उवाच चैनं कल्याण्या वाचा मधुरयोत्थितम्। मा भर्मनुजशार्दूल भद्रमस्तु तवानघ॥
He spoke to him these words, both sweet and beneficial, “O best of men, do not fear, O sinless one,, be blessed."

क्षुत्पिपासापरिश्रान्तं तर्कयामास वै नृपम्। पतितं पातनं संख्ये शात्रवाणां महीतले॥
The minister through the king, that destroyer of hostile forces, had been lying on the ground being overcome with hunger, thirst and fatigue.

वारिणा च सुशीतेन शिरस्तस्याभ्यषेचयत्। अस्फुटन्मुकुटं राज्ञः पुण्डरीकसुगन्धिना॥
He sprinkled on the crewless head of the king cold water fragrant, with the perfume of lotus.

ततः प्रत्यागतप्राणस्तद् बलं बलवान् नृपः। सर्वं विसर्जयामास तमेकं सचिवं विना॥
Thereupon, the mighty king regained his consciousness; he then sent away all his attendants except that one minister.

ततस्तस्याज्ञया राज्ञो विप्रतस्थे महद् बलम् स तु राजा गिरिप्रस्थे तस्मिन् पुनरुपाविशत्॥
When that large number of attendants had gone away at the command of the king, the king again sat down on the mountain breast.

ततस्तस्मिन् गिरिवरे शुचिर्भूत्वा कृताञ्जलिः। आरिराधयिषुः सूर्यं तस्थावर्ध्वमु तौ॥
Then the king becoming pure and folding his hands, worshipped Surya with his face turned upwards on that best of mountains.

जगाम मनसा चैव वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम्। पुरोहितममित्रघ्नस्तदा संवरणो नृपः॥
That chastiser of foes, the king Samvarana, also mentally thought of his priest, that excellent Rishi, Vasishtha.

नक्तं दिनमथैकत्र स्थिते तस्मिञ्जनाधिपे। अथाजगाम विप्रर्षिस्तदा द्वादशमेऽहनि॥
The king remained there four days and nights without intermission; and on the twelfth day the Brahmana Rishi (Vasishtha) came to him.

स विदित्वैव नृपतिं तपत्या हृतमानसम्। दिव्येन विधिना ज्ञात्वा भावितात्मा महानृषिः॥
That great self-controlled Rishi knew by his ascetic power that the king's heart was stolen by Tapati.

तथा तु नियतात्मानं तं नृपं मुनिसत्तमः। आबभाषे स धर्मात्मा तस्यैवार्थचिकीर्षया॥
As soon as that virtuous-minded and the best of Rishis knew this, he became desirous of benefiting the king and gave him his assurances.

स तस्य मनुजेन्द्रस्य पश्यतो भगवानृषिः। अर्ध्वमाचक्रमे द्रष्टुं भास्करं भास्करद्युतिः॥
In the very sight of the king, the illustrious Rishi ascended the sky in order to see Surya, he himself being as effulgent as that luminary.

सहस्रांशुं ततो विप्रः कृताञ्जलिरुपस्थितः। वसिष्ठोऽहमिति प्रीत्या स चात्मानं न्यवेदयत्॥
Thereupon, the Brahmana (Vasishtha) came with joined hands to the deity of one thousand rays and he then introduced himself by saying, “I am Vasishtha."

तमुवाच महातेजा विवस्वान् मुनिसत्तमम्। महर्षे स्वागतं तेऽस्तु कथयस्व यथेप्सितम्॥
Then the greatly effulgent Vivasvata thus spoke to that excellent Brahmana, "O great Rishi, welcome to you. Tell me what is your desire.

यदिच्छसि महाभाग मत्तः प्रवदतां वर। तत् ते दद्यामभिप्रेतं यद्यपि स्यात् सुदुष्करम्॥
O greatly fortunate man, O foremost of all eloquent men, whatever you desire to have, I shall give you however difficult it may be to give."

एवमुक्तः स तेनर्षिर्वसिष्ठः प्रत्यभाषत। प्रणिपत्य विवस्वन्तं भानुमन्तं महातपाः॥
Having been thus addressed after duly bowing down his head to him the Rishi Vasishtha of great ascetic merit, thus replied to Vivasvata.

वसिष्ठ उवाच यैषा ते तपती नाम सावित्र्यवरजा सुता। तां त्वां संवरणस्यार्थे वरयामि विभावसो॥
Vasishtha said: O Vivasvata, I ask to you for Samvarana your daughter, named Tapati, the younger sister of Savitri.

स हि राजा बृहत्कीर्तिर्धमार्थविदुदारधीः। युक्तः संवरणो भर्ता दुहितुस्ते विहंगम॥
He (Samvarana) is a mighty king with great achievements; he is learned in the mysteries of religion and he is high-minded. O ranger of sky, Samvarana is the fittest husband for your daughter.

इत्युक्तः स तदा तेन ददानीत्येव निश्चितः। प्रत्यभाषत तं विप्रं प्रतिनन्द्य दिवाकरः॥
The Gandharva said : Having been thus addressed, Divakara (Surya) resolved upon bestowing (his daughter on Samvarana) and saluting the Rishi thus replied,

वरः संवरणो राज्ञां त्वमृषीणां वरो मुने। तपती योषितां श्रेष्ठा किमन्यदपवर्जनात्॥
"O Rishi! Samvarana is the best of kings; you are (also) the best of all Rishis; Tapati is (surely) the best of all women; what else could be done but to bestow her (on Samvarana)?

ततः सर्वानवद्यागी तपती तपनः स्वयम्। ददौ संवरणस्यार्थे वसिष्ठाय महात्मने॥
Then Tapana himself gave to the illustrious Vasishtha (his daughter) Tapati of perfectly faultless features, so that she might be bestowed on Samvarana.

प्रतिजग्राह तां कन्यां महर्षिस्तपती तदा। वसिष्ठोऽथ विसृष्टस्तु पुनरेवाजगाम ह॥
The great Rishi Vivasvata accepted that maiden Tapati and taking leave of Surya he came back to the place,

यत्र विख्यातकीर्तिः स कुरूणामृषभोऽभवत्। स राजा मन्मथाविष्टस्तद्गतेनान्तरात्मना॥
Where that best of the Kurus, the king of celebrated achievements, was. That king who had been possessed of desire and whose heart was completely fixed on her (Tapati)

दृष्ट्वा च देवकन्यां तां तपती चारुहासिनीम् वसिष्ठेन सहायान्तीं संहृष्टोऽभ्यधिकं बभौ॥
Became exceedingly glad on seeing that celestials maiden Tapati of sweet smiles led towards him by Vasishtha.

रुरुचे साधिकं सुभूरापतन्ती नभस्तलात्। सौदामिनीव विभ्रष्टा द्योतयन्ती दिशस्त्विषा॥
That maiden of fair eye-brows came down from the sky as lighting comes down from the clouds illuminating the ten points of heaven.

कृच्छ्राद् द्वादशरात्रे तु तस्य राज्ञः समाहिते। आजगाम विशुद्धात्मा वसिष्ठोः भगवानृषिः॥
The illustrious Rishi of pure soul Vasishtha came to that king when his vow of the twelfth night was over.

तपसाऽऽराध्य वरदं देवं गोपतिमीश्वरम्। लेभे संवरणो भार्यां वसिष्ठस्यैव तेजसा॥
Thus Samvarana obtained (Tapati) as his wife by worshipping the propitious lord (Surya) by ascetic penances and by the help of the great effulgence of Vasishtha.

ततस्तस्मिन् गिरिश्रेष्ठे देवगन्धर्वसेविते। जग्राह विधिवत् पाणिं तपत्याः स नरर्षभः॥
That best of kings accepted the hands of Tapati in due form on the breast of that mountain frequented by the celestials and the Gandharvas.

वसिष्ठेनाभ्यनुज्ञातस्तस्मिन्नेव धराधरे। सोऽकामयत राजर्षिविहर्तुं सह भार्यया॥
The royal sage (Samvarana) with the permission of Vasishtha desired to sport with his wife on that mountain.

ततः पुरे च राष्ट्रे च वनेषूपवनेषु च। आदिदेशे महीपालस्तमेव सचिवं तदा॥
He ordered the minister to rule over his capital, his kingdom, his woods and forests.

नृपति त्वभ्यनुज्ञाप्य वसिष्ठोऽथापचक्रमे। सोऽथ राजा गिरौ तस्मिन् विजहारामरो यथा॥
Then bidding farewell to the king, Vasishtha left him and went away. Thereupon, the king sported on that mountain like a celestials.

ततो द्वादश वर्षाणि काननेषु वनेषु च। रेमे तस्मिन् गिरौ राजा तथैव सह भार्यया॥
The king sported with his wife in the woods and forests on that mountain for twelve (long) years.

तस्य राज्ञः पुरे तस्मिन् समा द्वादश सत्तम। न ववर्ष सहस्राक्षो राष्ट्रे चैवास्य भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, for those twelve years the god of one thousand eyes (Indra) did nor pour any rains on the capital and the kingdom of that king.

ततस्तस्यामनावृष्ट्यां प्रवृत्तायामरिंदम। प्रजाः क्षयमुपाजग्मुः सर्वाः सस्थाणुजङ्गमाः॥
O chastiser of foes, when that season of draught commenced, all the people together with plants, corns and animals began to die.

तस्मिंस्तथाविधे काले वर्तमाने सुदारुणे। नावश्यायः पपातोल् ततः सम्यानि नारुहन्॥
During that terrible season (of draught) not even a drop of dew fell on the earth and (consequently) no corn was grown.

ततो विभ्रान्तमनसो जनाः क्षुद्भयपीडिताः। गृहाणि सम्परित्यज्य वभ्रमुः प्रदिशो दिशः॥
Thereupon the people, affected with the fear of hunger, left their houses in despair and fled in all directions.

ततस्तस्मिन् पुरे राष्ट्रे त्यक्तदारपरिग्रहाः। परस्परममर्यादाः क्षुधार्ता जजिरे जनाः॥
The famished people of the city and the country abandoned their wives and children and grew reckless of one another.

तत् क्षुधातैर्निराहारैः शवभूतैस्तथा नरैः। अभवत् प्रेतराजस्य पुरं प्रेतैरिवावृतम्॥
The people being affected with hunger and starvation, became like dead skeletons, and the city looked like the land of the king of the dead full of ghostly beings.

ततस्तत् तादृशं दृष्ट्वा स एव भगवानृषिः। अभ्यवर्षत धर्मात्मा वसिष्ठो मुनिसत्तमः॥
Thereupon, seeing the kingdom in such a state, the illustrious Rishi, the best of ascetics. the virtuous-minded Vasishtha, thought of remedying the evil.

तं च पार्थिवशार्दूलमानयामास तत् पुरम्। तपत्या सहितं राजन् व्युषितं शाश्वतीः समाः। ततः प्रवृष्टस्तत्रासीद् यथापूर्वं सुरारिहा॥
O king, he brought back that best of kings (Samvarana) with his wife (Tapati) to that city, after he had passed many years with her.

तस्मिन् नृपतिशार्दूले प्रविष्टे नगरं पुनः। प्रववर्ष सहस्राक्षः सस्यानि जनयन् प्रभुः॥ ततः सराष्ट्र मुमेदे तत् पुरं परया मुदा। तेन पार्थिवमुख्येन भावितं भावितात्मना॥
When that best of kings again entered his capital, the state of things became as before, the god of one thousand years, the slayer of Asuras, poured rain in abundance; and he caused corn to grow. Thus being revived by that virtuous-minded and that best of kings (Samvarana), the capital and the country became exceedingly glad.

ततो द्वादश वर्षाणि पुनरीजे नराधिपः। तपत्या सहितः पल्या यथा शच्या मरुत्पतिः॥
Thereupon the king with his wife Tapati performed sacrifices for twelve years, as Indra did with (his wife) Shachi.

गन्धर्व उवाच एवमासीन्महाभागा तपती नाम पौर्विकी। तव वैवस्वती पार्थ तापत्यस्त्वं यया मतः॥
O Partha, this is the history of the greatly blessed Tapati of old, the daughter of Vivasvata, It is for her you are Tapatya.

तस्यां संजनयामास कुरुं संवरणो नृपः। तपत्यां तपतां श्रेष्ठ तापत्यस्त्वं ततोऽर्जुन॥
O Arjuna, the king Samvarana beget on Tapati a son, named Kuru. Born in the race of Tapati, you are called Tapatya.