Birth of Draupadi

ब्राह्मण उवाच गङ्गाद्वारं प्रति महान् बभूवर्षिर्महातपाः। भरद्वाजो महाप्राज्ञः सततं संशितव्रतः॥
The Brahmana said : There lived at the source of the Gangas a great Rishi of rigid vows and great wisdom and of severest austerities; his name was Bharadvaja.

सोऽभिषेक्तं गतो गङ्गां पूर्वमेवागतां सतीम्। ददर्शाप्सरसं तत्र घृताचीमाप्लुतामृषिः॥
One day when the Rishi came to the Ganges to perform his ablutions, he saw the Apsara Gritachi who came before him and who now stood there after her ablutions.

तस्या वायुर्नदीतीरे वसनं व्यहरत् तदा। अपकृष्टाम्बरां दृष्ट्वा तामृषिश्चकमे तदा॥
A wind rose on the banks of the river and made the cloth of the Apsara) fall from her body. Seeing her nude, the Rishi was filled with desire.

तस्यां संसक्तमनसः कौमारब्रह्मचारिणः। चिरस्य रेतश्चस्कन्द तदृषिोण आदधे॥
He was a Brahmachari from his boyhood and (therefore) as soon as his mind felt the influence of desire, his vital fluid dropped down. The Rishi held it in a Drona (water-pot).

तत समभवद् द्रोणः कुमारस्तस्य धीमतः। अध्यगीष्ट स वेदांश्च वेदाङ्गानि च सर्वशः॥
From that pot was born a son, the learned Drona and he studied all the Vedas and the Vedangas.

भरद्वाजस्य तु सखा पृषतो नाम पार्थिवः। तस्यापि दुपदो नाम तदा समभवत् सुतः॥
Bharadvaja had a friend, who was a king by the name of Prishata. He had a son, called Drupada.

स नित्यमाश्रमं गत्वा द्रोणेन सह पार्षतः। चिक्रीडाध्ययनं चैव चकार क्षत्रियर्षभः॥
That son of Prishata, that best of the Kshatriyas, went daily to the hermitage and played and studies with Drona.

ततस्तु पृषतेऽतीते स राजा द्रुपदोऽभवत्। द्रोणोऽपि रामं शुश्राव दित्सन्तं वसु सर्वशः॥ वनं तु प्रस्थितं रामं भरद्वाजसुतोऽब्रवीत्। आगतं वित्तकामं मां विद्धि द्रोणं द्विजोत्तम॥
After Prishata's death, Draupada succeeded him as king. (About this time) Drona heard that (Parashu) Rama was going to distribute away all his wealth. Going from the forest, the son of Bharadvaja (Drona) thus spoke to Rama, O excellent Brahmana, know me to be Drona. I have come for obtaining wealth.

राम उवाच शरीरमात्रमेवाद्य मया समवशेषितम्। अस्त्राणि वा शरीरं वा ब्रह्मन्नेकतमं वृणु॥
Rama said: O Brahmana, after giving away all I have now left only my body. Ask from me either my body or weapons.

द्रोण उवाच अस्त्राणि चैव सर्वाणि तेषां संहारमेव च। प्रयोगं चैव सर्वेषां दातुमर्हति मे भवान्॥
Drona said : You should give me all your weapons cugether with the knowledge of hurling and recalling them.

ब्राह्मण उवाच तथेत्युक्त्वा ततस्तस्मै प्रददौ भृगुनन्दनः। प्रतिगृह्य तदा द्रोणः कृतकृत्योऽभवत् तदा॥
The Brahmana said: Saying “Be it so", the descendant of Bhrigu gave him (the weapons) and having received them, Drona considered himself crowned with success.

सम्प्रहृष्टमना द्रोणो रामात् परमसम्मतम्। ब्रह्मास्त्रं समनुप्राप्य नरेष्वभ्यधिकोऽभवत्॥
Obtaining from Rama that great weapon called Brahmastra, Drona became exceeding glad and acquired superiority over all men.

ततो द्रुपदमासाद्य भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्। अब्रवीत् पुरुषव्याघ्रः सखायं विद्धि मामिति॥
Thereupon that powerful son of Bharadvaja went to that best of men Draupada and said, “Know me to be your friend."

दुपद उवाच नाश्रोत्रियः श्रोत्रियस्य नारथी रथिनः सखा। नाराजा पार्थिवस्यापि सखिपूर्वं किमिष्यते॥
Drupada said : One of low birth can never be the friend of one whose lineage is pure. He who is not a carwarrior can never be the friend of one who is; he who is not a king can never be a friend one who is. Therefore why do you desire (to revived) our old friendship?

ब्राह्मण उवाच स विनिश्चित्य मनसा पाञ्चाल्यं प्रति बुद्धिमान्। जगाम कुरुमुख्यानां नगरं नागसाह्वयम्॥
The Brahmana said: Being determined to humiliate the Panchala king, that intelligent man (Drona) went to the city of Hastinapur, the capital of the Kurus.

तस्मै पौत्रान् समादाय वसूनि विविधानि च। प्राप्ताय प्रददौ भीष्मः शिष्यान् द्रोणाय धीमते॥
Thereupon Bhishma, taking with him his grandsons with much wealth, offered them to he intelligent Drona as his pupil.

द्रोण: शिष्यांस्ततः पार्थानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। समानीय तु ताशिष्यान् दुपदस्यासुखाय वै॥
With the intention of humiliating Draupada, Drona called together all his pupil and he spoke thus to them and to the sons of Kunti.

आचार्यवेतनं किंचिद्धृदि यद् वर्तते मम। कृतास्त्रैस्तत् प्रदेयं स्यात् तदृतं वदतानघाः। सोऽर्जुनप्रमुखैरुक्तस्तथास्त्विति गुरुस्तदा॥
O sinless eyes, when you will be all experts in arms, you must give me as the preceptorial fee that which I cherish in my heart.” Arjuna and others said to the preceptor, "Be it so."

यदा च पाण्डवाः सर्वे कृतास्त्राः कृतनिश्चयाः। ततो द्रोणोऽब्रवीद् भूयो वेतनार्थमिदं वचः॥
When all the Pandavas became experts in arms and sure in aim, then Drona thus spoke demanding his preceptorial fee.

पार्षतो दुपदो नामच्छत्रवत्यां नरेश्वरः। तस्मादाकृष्य तद् राज्यं मम शीघ्रं प्रदीयताम्॥
Drona said: The son of Prishata, Drupada is the king of Chatravati. Take from him that kingdom and bestow it soon on me.

ततः पाण्डुसुताः पञ्च निर्जित्य द्रुपदं युधि। द्रोणाय दर्शयामासुर्बद्ध्वा ससचिवं तदा।॥
The Brahmana said : Then the five sons of Pandu defeated Drupada in battle and taking him prisoner along with his ministers, they offered him to Drona.

द्रोण उवाच प्रार्थयामि त्वया सख्यं पुनरेव नराधिप। अराजा किल नो राज्ञः सखा भवितुमर्हति॥ अतः प्रयतितं राज्ये यज्ञसेन त्वया सह। राजासि दक्षिणे कूले भागीरथ्याहमुत्तरे॥
Drona said: O king, I again solicit your friendship. He who is not a king should not be a friend of a king. Therefore, O Yajnasena, I shall divide this kingdom amongst ourselves. You will be the king of the country lying on the south banks of the Bhagirathi and I shall be that on the north banks.

ब्राह्मण उवाच एवमुक्तो हि पाञ्चाल्यो भारद्वाजेन धीमता। उवाचास्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठो द्रोणं ब्राह्मणसत्तमम्॥ एवं भवतु भद्रं ते भारद्वाज महामते। सख्यं तदेव भवतु शश्वद् यदभिमन्यसे॥
The Brahmana said: Being thus addressed by the intelligent son of Bharadvaja, the Panchala king spoke thus to that excellent Brahmana, that best of all wielders of arms Drona, "O high-souled son of Bharadvaja, be blessed. Let it be. Let there be everlasting friendship between us as you desire."

एवमन्योन्यमुक्त्वा तौ कृत्वा सख्यमनुत्तमम्। जग्मतुर्दोणपाञ्चाल्यौ यथागतमरिंदमौ॥
Thus addressing each other and establishing excellent friendship between themselves, Drona and the Panchala king those two chastisers of foes, went away to the place whence they came.

असत्कारः स तु महान् मुहूर्तमपि तस्य तु। नापैति हृदयाद् राज्ञो दुर्मनाः स कृशोऽभवत्॥
The thought of that humiliation didnot (however) leave the king's mind for a single moment. Being miserable in mind, the king wasted away.